C'est le développeur Zoltx23, à qui l'on doit SimplyU ou encore des contributions à 3DNUS, qui s'est collé sur ce fork nommé Frappuccino-CFW. Il bénéficie des caractéristiques de Mocha mais lui rajoute aussi beaucoup d'autres choses comme le support des custom fw.img, il permet l'injection de la console virtuelle ou encore la possibilité de désactiver le contrôle des signatures, le blocage des mises à jour système, l'autorisation de l'utilisation des cheats codes ou encore la possibilité de lancer Loadiine directement à partir du menu système.
Mocha Featuresfw.img for redNAND support. But, is optional as a custom firmware.sysNAND or redNAND patching in one application, selected/saved in the settings.SEEPROM redirection to/from SD card.OTP redirection from SD card for a custom launch image; upon load of the custom firmware if it exists on sd card (sd:/wiiu/apps/mocha/launch_image.tga)
Frappuccino FeaturesCustom fw.img support (IMG not provided, and custom as in modifications will be allowed)Allows the injection for Virtual ConsoleDisables and patches signiture checks, to allow custom Applications (Already integrated into the application)Will have the ability to modify the system menu, most likely custom images and color valuesMore system modificationsEasy setupSystem Update blockingAutomatic updates for the CFW Application (Updates the Homebrew only, not you CFW.)redNAND Support (Integrated into this CFW)Allow on the fly cheat code injectionAllow on the fly mod injection as well as patch/dlc injectionInstall any Application, Update, DLC, and/or Game.Allow the ability to launch Loadiine directly from the system menuAllow the ability to change the region of your system, if using EmuNAND; for example, change the region from USA to JPN in order to download software from Japan. NOTE: eShop only!Region free Disk and Software supportAnd many more features.DO KEEP IN MIND: This software is based off of Dimoks Mocha CFW; I take no credit for his work. This software is not finished, and is still actively being worked on!