v1.4@Robz8 Robz8 released this 4 hours agoAdded ROM loading from flashcard (DSTWO only, for now).Reads ROM paths in .ini files at "sdmc:/nds/flashcard/"
Added flashcard ROM loading support for DSTT/R4i Gold/R4i-SDHC/R4 SDHC Dual-Core/R4 SDHC Upgrade/SC DSONE.
Fixed bug where the 3rd box art is always a "?".
v1.4.2@Robz8 Robz8 released this 6 hours agoChanges/Improvements:Improved box art loading. Limit is no longer 10 images.The boxart folder now has a folder for flashcards inside.An NTR/TWL-mode option to have rainbow colors glowing in the Notification LED is added. (credit to MarcusD).Bug fixes:Crashes no longer occur when there are little to no box art images.Some box art are no longer shown as "?".TWLNAND side: When running Slot-1 card/flashcard, ARM9 CPU values are fixed, so the NTR value is no longer the TWL value, and vice versa.The following flashcards are now supported:Acekard 2(i)/M3DS Real/R4i-SDHC 1.4.xAce 3DS+/Gateway Blue Card/R4iLS/R4iTT
Téléchargement : TWLoader v1.42 (edit du 05.12.16)