Changes XMBPD v0.62.00 :New installer.Still has the option to only install the normal HDD files so that XMBPD appears inside XMBM+ in the game category as usual.Now also has new additional options that allow XMBPD to be installed to the network category on 5 of the latest and greatest CFWs (in alphabetical order) - Darknet 4.81, Ferrox 4.81, Overflow 4.81, Playerkp420 4.81, Rebug 4.80.1 and SPY 4.81.Webman Mod FULL edition is required as always so you should have that running first, version 1.45.00 or higher recommended.If installing to the network category on Rebug then you should select the correct option depending on whether you have CFW settings enabled or disabled.Although this installer was made for the latest versions of the CEX Cobra CFWs (mentioned above) it should work fine on the 4.80 versions of them too, (Untested!) As long as you are running a new version of webMAN Mod FULL edition.If your CFW doesn't support the new webMAN Mod then this mod wont work fully.Default wallpaper setting increased to 200 wallpapers per category.Updated the SEN Enabler pkg to 6.0.3.New Installer explanation:Just use the first/main option if you just want to install or update the XMBPD Hdd files (regardless of its location on the XMB).Then if you want/need to add an XMBPD entry to the network category on your CFW (like people have been requesting) then use the second option ASWELL.Note: I had to use the download plugin sprx from Rebug 4.80 REX to get this to work properly on the 4.81 CEX CFWs (error 80029567 otherwise), if you are not comfortable with using that file then don't install this mod.