++ TRES GROSSE UPDATE : Si vous avez installé des jeux en 4.70, ils resteront fonctionnels en 4.80 / 4.81, mais l'injection directe sur 4.81 ne marche pas, on ne sais pas encore pour la 4.80
CONFIRMED 4.81 working afrosam and castlevania los 2 my own patch changing only eboot from patch
+edit : so after hours of testing i conclude this method is NOT WORKING on latest firmware 4.81 (not tested in in 4.80) everygame tested on 4.70 i giving error 80010006 in 4.81, but if you install all the games from 4.70 then update to 4.81 the game will still work fine LIKE IN THIS VIDEO (after installing it on 4.70 i updated it to 4.81 and the games still doing fine even after several reboots of the system, i never tried psn because its under maintenance when i tried it)
but after your next format(or new backup and inject method),. you cannot run the games that confirmed working 4.70 installed
with error 80010006 all the time(afro samurai tried to boot but stills ends me back to xmb with same error)
what you can try is install all games you want in 4.70 OFW then update to
4.80/81 (works fine) or stay in 4.70 for more safe gaming
the 1st page is the right way to install the games
i just skipped param.sfo editing, if you need to edit param.sfo use paramsfo editor(can be found in aldotools) or you will get string error in TrueAncestor BACKUP Injector, if .sfo is edited in notepad
i guess now is the best time to make a patchlist for downgrade to 4.70 at least for people with slims 3k and superslim ps3's
i will get another lower fw ps3 to test more games(and i will not update it for now until a new patch for downgrade is made
source : https://www.psxhax.c...page-4#comments
regardez les commentaires.
++ zecoxao qui marque sur twitter qu'un swap de 8 bytes dans notre idps sur 4.81 sa marche et que l'injection fonctionne.
Comme dit zeco, c'est la fin de la PS3 les amis !
Modifié par Shadix, 08 novembre 2016 - 20:57.