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ONElua PSP porté sur PS Vita

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Posté 25 septembre 2016 - 14:49



    \0/ Postman \0/

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La Team ONElua qui comprend gdljjrod, davis, et robert galarga nous propose à l'occasion du concours GekiHEN le portage de ONELua à l'origine développé sur PSP. 
Désormais ONELua a été porté sur PlayStation Vita et PlayStation TV, mais en plus de proposer l'interpréteur Lua, ils ont publié de nombreux samples et des fichiers de documentations complets.

ONELua is a multiplatform project designed to facilitate programming for both programmers and those who are not, with the arrival of Henkaku by Team Molecule, finally vita was accessible and any user could use Homebrew's, at that time we decided that it was time to port ONElua and create a full version for PlayStation Vita.
Because it is still in the early vitasdk, lack of samples, time required to perform all the coding and testing personally, so the first version comes with such a delay from the onset of henkaku.
Here are the main functions of ONElua for PSP but of course, with new and special functions for PSVita.
This first release includes a number of samples that we believe will facilitate the use of its functions, as is customary in our website, you can find the binary and all documentation about built-in functions and usage details.
It incorporates some small but useful samples, launched from a simple menu, and contains a beta file explorer.
In the official web you can Download ONEmaker:
We include a necessary and very useful thing for creating your own VPKs of ONElua and so you can incorporate all the necessary files that are part of your own homebrew tool.
We expect more competitors enter the competition using ONElua !




Version 1R0
Actually ONElua Vita it has the following main features:
Added possibility to Install/Update/Uninstall Homebrew's in vpk format.
Added the possibility to load maps (tiles) and draw.
Added the possibility to load ttf or pgf fonts.
Added the possibility to load a default font: onefont.pgf if there alongside our EBOOT.BIN, otherwise load the default font. Simply place the source properly renamed onefont.pgf and thus the eboot of ONElua can start our Homebrew with this default Font.
Added the possibility to stop or abort processes in the callback, check the Callbacks section for more information.
Added the Lua Bit library that allows level operations bit by bit.
Added several 'PATCH' to extend the syntax of lua, examples:
C Type operations: "sum: +=, subtraction:-=, multiplication: *=, division: /=, power: ^=, mod: %=, different: !=, division does not float: \"
C bit operations: "and: &, or: |, not: ~, shift left: <<, right shift: >>"
Operations continue, "skips a cycle", in any loop.



Téléchargement : ONElua PSP v1R0 et

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Posté 25 septembre 2016 - 16:21



    Sunriseur elite

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en gros sa sert a quoi?merci
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Posté 25 septembre 2016 - 16:51



    Sunriseur avancé

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A lancer des homebrews PSP codés en C++.

Modifié par Wingman, 25 septembre 2016 - 16:52.

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Posté 25 septembre 2016 - 16:58



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Merci tralala

mais sa sert a quoi?
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Posté 25 septembre 2016 - 17:01



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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merci @wingman, désolé pour retard
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Posté 25 septembre 2016 - 17:34



    Sunriseur elite

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A lancer des homebrews PSP codés en C++.

Mais non codé en LUA !
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Posté 25 septembre 2016 - 17:58




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A lancer des homebrews PSP codés en C++.

Mais non codé en LUA !

Oui en Lua non en c++
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Posté 25 septembre 2016 - 20:12



    Sunriseur avancé

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Oula.. Oui, en lua. Désolé, la fatigue :)
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