Cette new s' adresse avant tous aux moddeurs ou utilisateurs voulant s' aventurer dans le modding. En effet, jam1garner, membre de GBAtemp, vient de publier un éditeur d' arènes pour le jeu Super Smash Bros Wii U.
Il précise qu' il n' a pu eu le temps d' intégrer tous ce dont il voulait, ni de corriger quelques bugs, mais certifie que cette version contient ce qu' il faut pour que même un moddeur/utilisateur lambda puisse trouver son bonheur.
Vous pourrez ainsi créer vos propres arènes de combat pour encore plus de parties endiablés avec vos amis.
- Viewing collision, spawn, respawn, blastzone and camera bounds.
- Full camera controls (Pan, Zoom, Jump to a vertex/collision if offscreen when selected)
- Editing of vertex positions
- Editing passthrough of collisions (Example a platform you can only passthrough the bottom would have PassX - 0.0, PassY - 1.0
- Adding/Deleting vertices (Ctrl+n creates a new vertex, del deletes the selected vertex)
- Adding/Deleting polygons (Ctrl+b creates a new polygon based on the selected polygon, del deletes the selected polygon)
- Editing Spawn and respawn positions
- Editing blastzone corner positions
- Editing camera bounds
- Changing camera parameters
- Modifying stage wind
- Copying/Pasting Vertices. Select one and do ctrl+c to copy, ctrl+v to paste. These will carry over to a different lvd. Format they are copied in is vertX|vertY|passX|passY
- Edit Ledges
- Edit Collision Material
- View and edit passthrough angles as an angle in degrees (Is saved as unit vector floats)
- Edit whether a collision is dropthrough or not
- Open an lvd from inside and outside of smash 4 explorer by double clicking it
- Works for wii u and 3ds
- And much more...
- Fix issues with adding/deleting polygons
- Add copying/pasting of polygons
- Light set editing
- Add ledge editing stuff
- Add item spawn editing
- Tools for working with collision animations (Coming after public OMO release)
- Add collision properties
- Other additions and bug fixes
Télécharger Smash Level Editor v0.7.1b: https://www.dropbox.... editor.7z?dl=1