Hey everyone,so @Maschell and I were working on DLC support for loadiine gx2 today. We have now a build which we think is ok to make it public. It works for your owned DLC titles on your WiiU with the loadiine gx2 dumps on the SD card. To make it work you have to dump the DLC (for example with ddd) and put the folder "aoc0005000cXXXXXXXX" to the games folder on the SD card where the "content", "code" and "meta" folders are. This is needed due to some access restrictions of the DLCs. Meaning they can't be load from the NAND or USB inside MiiMaker or SmashBros for now (otherwise we would have used that method). But hey that also means now you can swap your DLC files on the sd card with something different and test game mods. Anyway once you have copied the DLCs to the SD card whats left is to enable DLC for that game in the game settings window. Now if you launch the game the DLC should be unlocked and you can use it. We discussed internally and everyone agreed to not make the method of completely free DLC loading public. The reason is that this is a backup loader and this functionality would have nothing to do with backup loading anymore. It would be a pure pirating functionality. So if you want to play DLCs with loadiine gx2 then you have to purchase them from the eshop.