Release v1.2 RC3Changelist:-added official support for 3.0.0 and 3.1.0 with sound support-added official support for 4.0.0 and 4.1.0 with sound support-added official support for 5.5.x firmwares-one click link launch (no need to run the link twice or execute the exploit prior to launch)-removed requirement of loadiine kernel memory mapping (any mapping is accepted as long as kernel_write is available)-fixed receive from wiiload and other application that send the elf header one byte at a time-improved OS driver exploit integrated-skip ELF files starting with '.' and '_'-added version string to main view-allow MP3 and WAV background musics (file has to be located at and called "homebrew_launcher/resources/bgMusic.ogg" for now even if its not an OGG file)èmerged new gx2sploit and replaced the OSDriver exploit for firmwares 5.3.2 and higher
Téléchargement : homebrew_launcher v1.2 RC3