N64 compatibility List - http://wiki.gbatemp....patibility_list
N64 injection uses caffine unlike the abode VC inject methods it also uses both roms and config files.
just find your VC game id 005000 something (you can find its id on if you launch the game after cafiine its working the last gameid it shows on your pc its the n64 vc gameid)
Inis made by nintendo
How to inject n64 files
- After you find your n64 vc gameid create a folder with it on cafiine root watch cafiine while it loads and you will see the rom path and name same for the config file(ini) path and name.
Creat the path for the rom and for the config file something like
Now depending on your game the rom will be named acordingly for instante on DK 64 pal rom need to be named Undop0.599 and placed on the rom folder and the config folder needs to be named Undop0.599.ini and placed on the config folder
After you have your roms and config files renamed correctly just launch the n64 vc and on the vc menu after cafiine replaces the file just hit reset.(to swap roms you need to exit the VC and go back in again since cafiine only repalces the files once on boot up, while the VC is on cafiine wont replace the file until the VC is loaded again.)
Since n64 uses cafiine rather than gecko you can use bigger roms than the original.
Est-ce que c'est possible de jouer aux jeux N64 avec ce loadiine sur une 5.5.1 ? et si oui, dois-je utiliser le tuto ci dessus ?