Le développeur Mizio90 nous propose une version customisée d'irisMAN qui passe désormais en v3.50.10, mais ce n'est pas tout, il apporte à partir de la version Stealth le support des CFW 4.80 suite au payload 4.80 proposé par Joonie86, des icônes animées et est supportée parfaitement par le CFW Ferrox 4.80.
Good news guys ..Finally guys here we go!the CyberModding TEAM has been busy these days to bring something completely functional.After several tests and several in the Developer Alexander company, we concluded!Our MiZiO90 created his version of STEALTH IrisMAN based version of 3:50:10, and integrating the payload 4.80 released by Dev Joonie few days ago.Tests carried out on CFW 4.80 FERROX!Now our Ferrox will Stealth backup manager exclusively here on CyberModding ...So you can now play online a little more confident (following our guide) and using psnpatch !!changelog v3.50.10Reversed the payload Mamba with the version used in 3.50.8 (the new version caused a black screen).Added support for 4.78 DEH (without payload mamba). Thanks to Joonie for the payload.Added support for custom firmware 4.80.
Téléchargement : irisMAN v3.50.10 Mizio90