En 5 jours, le soft a beaucoup été modifié, il suffit de lire le changelog pour s'en convaincre. Dans la version v1.4 qui vient tout juste d'arriver, AuroraWright a rajouté une séquence de déblocage de brick sur le stage2, et une capacité de démonter la SD après son installation.
v1.5Removed stage2-only install, added A9LH update which only needs the stage1 and 2 payloads to update A9LH.secret_sector.bin is never needed on New 3DS anymorev1.4Added unlock sequence and brick warning on stage2-only installAdded SD unmounting after successful stage2-only install, SD will be remounted as soon as you perform another installv1.3Added warning about stage2-only updatesAdded possibility to go back to menu after a successful stage2 updateNow the installer reports which operation was successfulv1.2.1Disable stage2-only updater if booting from CakeBrah