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xai_plugin by mysis - Release 0.1

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Posté 12 janvier 2016 - 15:05



    \0/ Boooorn to be wiiiiild ! \0/

  • Shining VIP
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Mysis, un très fameux développeur de la scène PS3, notamment connu pour ses travaux sur le reverse engineering du xregistry et du VSH, nous fait part de son tout dernier plugin ô combien intéressant.
Ce plugin permettrait, entre autres options, de passer en FSM puis de remarier un lecteur Blu-ray ou fixer un RSOD puis de sortir du FSM. Tout ceci directement depuis un CFW4.xx et sans lv2diag.self !!!!

Attention cependant, nous n'avons pas beaucoup de retours à ce jour. A essayer à vos risques.

Voici le readme de mysis:

xai_plugin by mysis - Release 0.1

Happy New Year Everyone!


* XMB Icons for nice cfw tasks, nicely listed in network column
* XMB-Actions without the need for webbrowser for each step
* Simply select and its executed!
* No Thread waiting for controller input!
* No additional CPU time stolen!
* BD Remarry without downgrading!
* Enter Factory Service Mode up to latest Firmware without Dongle!


Clean Log File - Gives you the option to delete the Log-File
Dump Disc Hash Key - This Option will write retrieve disc hash key
from an ORIGINAL game disc and save it to log file
This works without running the actual game!
Log Klicense usage - Games that use klicense for accessing edat-files
this option will save filename and klicensee to log
Log Secure File ID usage - This will log save data name and file id key
Enable In-Game Screenshot - This will only Enable for current system runtime.
Override Disc SFO - Will apply SFO Attribute (0xA5) Remoteplay and
SystemBGM to Disc Games. It will prolly not work with
its Updates.
Display applicable version - Tells you the minimum downgrade version of your system
Dump IDPS - Prints your IDPS in cfw-settings.log
Set dev_flash from USB - Jailcrab code for writing Lv2Kernel redirecting
/dev_flash/ access to a mounted /dev_usb/
Remarry Bluray Drive - Remarries the bd drive to the System
Re-Initialize VTRM-Region - Aka RSOD-Fix if VTRM not a hw problem
Toggle DLNA - Turns DLNA Media Server On/Off, usefull for DEX
Rebulid Database - Reboots with Database rebuilding flag set
Check Filesystem - Reboots and allows you to check and repair filesystem
Toggle Recovery Mode - Reboots into Recovery Mode
Toggle Factory Service Mode - Reboots into Factory Service Mode without Dongle


Toggle Cobra Mode - Enables or if active disables Cobra Mode
Toggle Rebug Mode - Enables or if active disables Rebug Mode
Toggle Debug Settings Menu - Switches between "CEX QA" and "DEX" Debug Settings
Download latest Rebug Toolbox
Install downloaded Rebug Toolbox

* should not be fw dependant, tested on 4.46 and 4.7x and does not use hardcoded offset patches
* requires peek+poke (sc6+7+8+9) for few options
* Log File path: /dev_hdd0/tmp/cfw-settings.log
(Note: in FSM its /dev_usb/cfw-settings.log + hidden + system file flagged)

* if you are using another xai_plugin for ex. rebooting, it can lead to incompatibility
to prevent that, change the actual module action in (probably) category_user.xml (?) to:

"<Pair key="module_name"><String>xai_plugin</String></Pair>"
"<Pair key="module_action"><String>soft_reboot_action</String></Pair>" // soft reboot


"<Pair key="module_name"><String>xai_plugin</String></Pair>"
"<Pair key="module_action"><String>hard_reboot_action</String></Pair>" // hard reboot


copy "xai_plugin.sprx" AND
to "/dev_blind/vsh/module/"

copy "xai_plugin.rco"
to "/dev_blind/vsh/resource/"

copy "category_network.xml", (cfw-settings added for CEX xmb)
"category_network_tool2.xml" and (cfw-settings added for DEX xmb)
"cfw_settings_en.xml" (contains cfw-settings and rebug-settings xmb-folders)
to -> "/dev_blind/vsh/resource/explore/xmb/"

=BD Remarry=

1) Toggle Factory Service Mode (should be easy now)
2) Put "eid_root_key" that belongs to the console to /dev_usb/
3) Select Remarry Bluray Drive in Network->cfw-settings->Remarry Bluray Drive
4) If everything went fine it should have notified: "CEX_drive_init() succeeded"
5) Dont forget to repair CRL/DRL if you need to fix it

Successfully remarried /dev_usb/cfw-settings.log should look like:

2011-12-31 19:00:24 [xai_plugin] : : _xai_plugin_prx_entry()
2011-12-31 19:00:24 [xai_plugin] : 1 : xai_plugin_init()
2011-12-31 19:00:24 [xai_plugin] : 1 : xai_plugin_start()
2011-12-31 19:00:24 [xai_plugin] : ACT0 : xai_plugin_action(remarry_bd)
Looking for lv1 offset
Found lv1 code @0xac574
EID2 P-Block decrypted
EID2 S-Block decrypted
sys_storage_open(bdvd) = 0
stg BDVD Auto Request Sense OFF success = 0
Identified Drive = SONY PS-SYSTEM 302R4154
ps3rom_lv2_mode_select(2) = 0
ps3rom_lv2_write_buffer(2,60) = 0
ps3rom_lv2_mode_select(3) = 0
ps3rom_lv2_write_buffer(3,670) = 0
ps3rom_lv2_mode_select(4) = 0
ps3rom_lv2_write_buffer(4,8000) = 0
CEX_drive_init() succeeded
2011-12-31 19:01:20 [xai_plugin] : ACT0 : xai_plugin_action(service_mode)
Product Mode Disabled

= Thanks =

Sandungas - for the xml adding and rco

Et quelques screens:

Source de l'info : http://playstationha...fw-settings-01/
Téléchargement :

Modifié par littlebalup, 12 janvier 2016 - 15:18.

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Posté 12 janvier 2016 - 16:00



    Sunriseur elite

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Merci !

Modifié par Mouchkipet, 12 janvier 2016 - 16:01.

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Posté 12 janvier 2016 - 17:54



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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  • Lieu:Bordeaux 33
  • Passions:Modification de consoles
Hum le factory mode m'interesse :)
J'ai une Nand en 4.x toujours en factory et la repasser en 3.55 en hrdware pour la sortir du FSM non merci !!!
Je vais testé au pire elle brick XD

Sony Microsoft  Nintendo Retro Gaming

sur BORDEAUX tel: 0620488873

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Posté 12 janvier 2016 - 22:32



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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  • Lieu:Paris (île de france)
O top !! merci

Installation Reset Glitch Hack, Xkey...sur l'île de France // Xbox slim NEUVE GLITCH en vente

Downgrade PS3 NOR/NAND, Cobra, 3K3Y!! // PS3 3.55, PS3 3K3Y,Cobra, SWAP DISC et autres en vente


Mes annonces Technicien :  

Xbox PS3 Feedback

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Posté 12 janvier 2016 - 23:34



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Factory mode c'est le passé...

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Posté 13 janvier 2016 - 16:28



    \0/ Boooorn to be wiiiiild ! \0/

  • Shining VIP
  • 3 197 messages
  • Sexe:Male
  • Lieu:Toulouse

j'ai fait une version perso du xmb avec un peu de ménage et plus dirigé technicos:

Littlebalup mod V0.1a :

- Original xai_plugin by mysis, Release 0.1 (xai_plugin.sprx, videorec.sprx, xai_plugin.rco). See original README for details.
- Custom category_user_login.xml & category_user.xml made instead of the original category_network.xml, category_network_tool2 & cfw_settings_en.xml.
  See screenshots for preview.
- Many of the original options are disabled for my clarity. Can be easily activated by uncommenting the related item(s) in the category_user.xml.


copy "xai_plugin.sprx" and              
to "/dev_blind/vsh/module/"

copy "xai_plugin.rco"
to "/dev_blind/vsh/resource/"

copy "category_user_login.xml" and
to "/dev_blind/vsh/resource/explore/xmb/"

= Thanks =
Sandungas - for the xml adding and rco


Modifié par littlebalup, 13 janvier 2016 - 16:28.

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Posté 14 janvier 2016 - 12:53



    ^ Glouglou gligli ^

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Factory mode c'est le passé...


Pas pour les bidouilleur ;)
Mes tutos: Synchroniser sa manette pour jeux ps3, tenter de reconstruire un dump nor corrompu, creer un reverter pour sortir du mode kiosk, etc...
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