Sur la rumeur selon laquelle Cturt aurait annoncé l'arrêt de sa contribution au développement du SDK de la PS4, ce sont de nombreux outils qui sont dévoilés au grand public par les développeurs PS4. Ce sont ainsi plusieurs utilitaires et preuves de concept qui sont dévoilés avec de nombreux morceaux de SDK.
Deux packages SDK, un outil pour créer et publier les ISO PS4, générer les PKG PS4, contrôler les sfo, les trp, des outils de commandes, d'édition, de validation de trophées, de PKG, de param... par contre ne crions pas victoire trop vite, il manque toujours les clés de validation, sans elles ces outils sont inutilisables, mais ils peuvent servir à mieux comprendre l'architecture de la console.
1.2.1 New Features (ver0.84) back to contents
(Package Generator, Command Line Version)
A function to position a package file at the outer side of Blu-ray Disc has been added.
With using this function, package file is positioned at the outer side of Blu-ray Disc.
Reading from Blu-ray Disc can be faster, but the size of ISO image file can be larger.
Turn on the "Move the package file to the outer edge of Blu-ray Disc" check box in the Build Image Dialog.
In case of command line version, use the img_create command with the --move_outer option when creating a package file.
1.2.2 New Features (ver0.82) back to contents
(Param File Editor)
Edit function of parameters for Shared Save Data has been implemented.
Edit function of parameters for PS3 Key Disc has been implemented. Currently the meaning of the parameters is not disclosed and do not use them.
(Package Generaor)
Function to verify package files has been added. In order to verify a package file, Select the Verify Package menu from the Command menu.
1.2.3 Changes (ver0.84) back to contents
(Package Generaor, Command Line Version)
Maximum size of Layer0 of package file that is stored at Blu-ray Disc Dual Layer has been changed. (22840 MiB -> 22832 MiB)
1.2.4 Changes (ver0.82) back to contents
(Package Generaor)
Specification of the verification function that is executed when a package file is created has been updated.
(Command Line Version)
Specification of the verification function that is executed by the img_create and the img_verify command has been updated.
(Package Generaor, Command Line Version)
Output format of the Submission Meterials created has been updated.
(Package Generator)
Limitation of total number of files/directories that can be stored in a package has been added.
Maximum 32768 for Application Package, and maximum 16384 for Patch Package and Additional Content Package.
(Param File Editor)
64MiB/128MiB/256MiB are added to the choises of Download Data Size.
1.2.5 Bugfix (ver0.85) back to contents
(Package Generator, Command Line Version)
Fixed a bug that may create invalid XML file when creating the Submission Materials.
1.2.6 Bugfix (ver0.84) back to contents
(Package Generator, Command Line Version)
Fixed a bug that the creation date and other dates of files and directories stored in a package file were set to 1970-01-01.
1.2.7 Bugfix (ver0.82) back to contents
(Package Generator, Command Line Version)
Fixed a bug that crashes when compressing files larger than 4GiB.
(Package Generator)
Fixed a bug that the exported PlayGo chunk definition files cannot be directly used for PlayGo emulation file system.
Un debugMenu qui pourrait être bien utile.
Téléchargement : (96.4 MB) / (41.5 MB) / PublishingTools_for_NonGame-0_85_0_1548.msi (4.1 MB)