Salut les amis, ça fait longtemps que j'ai pas eu de galére mais cette fois je patauge.
Je tente de dump une ps3 cech2504A date code 0D en ofw 4.55 en vain.
Je passe par mon teensy habituel et j'obtient 44 erreurs sur 138 checks
Plusieurs dumps identique, refait 4/5 fois les soudures et toujours un md5 identique...
Je tente de passer en ofw 4.60 au cas où, rebelotte toujours des dumps identique et les même erreurs malgré plusieurs montage refait intégralement.
Comme je suis passé sur windows10 dans le doute j'ai testé sur 2 autres pc et toujours le même md5 et même erreurs.
Là je laisse tomber pour ce soir, je verrais demain pour refaire un eniéme montage en remplaçant mes cables dupont habituel par de l'awg on ne sait jamais mais j'y crois pas trop.
Si quelqu'un sait m'aiguiller en fonction des erreurs je lui en serait reconnaissant
Je laisse mon log de ps3 dump checker :
PS3 Dump Checker v1.0 (Build: 484)
Check started: 21/08/2015 17:56:20
17:56:21 : Reading image into memory and checking statistics...
17:56:21 : Statistics check skipped! (nothing to check)
17:56:21 : Binary check Started!
17:56:21 : Binary check for 001.02 First Region Header Magic Started... Result: OK!
17:56:22 : Binary check for 002.01 Flash Format String Started... Result: OK!
17:56:22 : Binary check for 002.02 Flash Format Version Started... Result: OK!
17:56:22 : Binary check for 003.01 Flash Region Table Header Started... Result: OK!
17:56:22 : Binary check for 003.02 asecure_loader Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:22 : Binary check for 003.03 asecure_loader Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:23 : Binary check for 003.04 eEID Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:23 : Binary check for 003.05 eEID Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:23 : Binary check for 003.06 cISD Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:23 : Binary check for 003.07 cISD Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:24 : Binary check for 003.08 cCSD Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:24 : Binary check for 003.09 cCSD Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:24 : Binary check for 003.10 trvk_prg0 Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:25 : Binary check for 003.11 trvk_prg0 Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:25 : Binary check for 003.12 trvk_prg1 Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:25 : Binary check for 003.13 trvk_prg1 Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:25 : Binary check for 003.14 trvk_pkg0 Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:26 : Binary check for 003.15 trvk_pkg0 Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:26 : Binary check for 003.16 trvk_pkg1 Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:26 : Binary check for 003.17 trvk_pkg1 Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:26 : Binary check for 003.18 ros0 Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:27 : Binary check for 003.19 ros0 Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:27 : Binary check for 003.20 ros1 Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:27 : Binary check for 003.21 ros1 Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:27 : Binary check for 003.22 cvtrm Offset - Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:27 : Binary check for 003.23 cvtrm Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:28 : Binary check for 004.01 asecure_loader Header Started... Result: OK!
17:56:28 : Binary check for 004.02 metldr Offset Started... Result: OK!
17:56:28 : Binary check for 004.03 metldr Length Started... Result: OK!
17:56:28 : Binary check for 004.04 metldr Name Started... Result: OK!
17:56:29 : Binary check for 004.05 metldr RevKey Started... Result: OK!
17:56:29 : Binary check for 004.06 metldr Binary Size Started... Result: OK!
17:56:29 : Binary check for 005.01 eEID Header Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2F000
Expected data:
00 00 00 06 00 00 1D D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Actual data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:29 : Binary check for 005.02 EID0 Offset - Length Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2F010
Expected data:
00 00 00 70 00 00 08 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Actual data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:30 : Binary check for 005.03 EID1 Offset - Length Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2F020
Expected data:
00 00 08 D0 00 00 02 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
Actual data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:30 : Binary check for 005.04 EID2 Offset - Length Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2F030
Expected data:
00 00 0B 70 00 00 07 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02
Actual data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:30 : Binary check for 005.05 EID3 Offset - Length Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2F040
Expected data:
00 00 12 A0 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03
Actual data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:30 : Binary check for 005.06 EID4 Offset - Length Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2F050
Expected data:
00 00 13 A0 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04
Actual data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:31 : Binary check for 005.07 EID5 Offset - Length Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2F060
Expected data:
00 00 13 D0 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05
Actual data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:31 : Binary check for 005.08 EID0 IDPS0 Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2F070
00 00 00 01 00 82
00 00 00 01 00 83
00 00 00 01 00 84
00 00 00 01 00 85
00 00 00 01 00 86
00 00 00 01 00 87
00 00 00 01 00 88
00 00 00 01 00 89
00 00 00 01 00 8A
00 00 00 01 00 8B
00 00 00 01 00 8C
00 00 00 01 00 8E
00 00 00 01 00 8F
Actual data: 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:31 : Binary check for 005.09 EID0 IDPS1 Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2F076
00 01
00 02
00 03
00 04
00 05
00 06
00 07
00 08
00 09
00 0A
00 0B
00 0C
00 0D
00 0E
00 0F
Actual data: 00 00
17:56:31 : Binary check for 005.10 EID0 Static Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2F080
Expected data:
00 12 00 0B
Actual data: 00 00 00 00
17:56:32 : Binary check for 005.11 EID2 BlockSize/Padding Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x2FB70
Expected data:
00 80 06 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Actual data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:32 : Binary check for 005.12 EID3 Static0 Started... Result: OK!
17:56:32 : Binary check for 005.13 EID3 Static1 Started... Result: OK!
17:56:32 : Binary check for 005.14 EID3 Static2 Started... Result: OK!
17:56:33 : Binary check for 005.15 EID5 IDPS0 Started... Result: OK!
17:56:33 : Binary check for 005.16 EID5 IDPS1 Started... Result: OK!
17:56:33 : Binary check for 005.17 EID5 Static Started... Result: OK!
17:56:33 : Binary check for 006.01 cISD Header Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F000
Expected data:
00 00 00 03 00 00 02 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:33 : Binary check for 006.02 cISD0 Offset - Length Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F010
Expected data:
00 00 00 40 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:34 : Binary check for 006.03 cISD1 Offset - Length Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F020
Expected data:
00 00 00 60 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
17:56:34 : Binary check for 006.04 cISD2 Offset - Length Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F030
Expected data:
00 00 02 60 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02
17:56:34 : Binary check for 006.06 cISD1 IDLog Header Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F060
Expected data:
7F 49 44 4C
Ascii Value: IDL
Actual data: FF FF FF FF
Ascii Value: ????
17:56:34 : Binary check for 006.07 cISD1 Semistatic 1 Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F064
00 02 00 60 01 00
00 03 00 68 01 00
Actual data: FF FF FF FF FF FF
17:56:35 : Binary check for 006.08 cISD1 Semistatic 2 Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F0A4
00 45 00 45 00 67
00 47 00 47 00 71
00 52 00 52 00 71
00 54 00 54 00 80
00 62 00 62 00 90
00 62 00 62 00 92
00 66 00 66 00 96
00 73 00 73 00 96
00 79 00 79 01 06
00 85 00 85 01 06
00 85 00 85 01 14
00 87 00 87 01 14
00 91 00 91 01 14
00 99 00 99 01 18
01 01 01 01 01 24
01 01 01 01 01 28
01 07 01 07 01 28
01 07 01 07 01 34
01 11 01 11 01 38
01 11 01 11 01 40
01 13 01 13 01 42
01 21 01 21 01 50
01 23 01 23 01 52
01 31 01 31 01 60
01 65 01 65 01 80
Actual data: FF FF FF FF FF FF
17:56:35 : Binary check for 006.10 cISD1 Static Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F0AA
Expected data:
00 01
Actual data: FF FF
17:56:35 : Binary check for 006.11 cISD1 Semistatic 3 Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F0B0
00 02 00 11 00 02 00 12
00 02 00 12 00 02 00 12
Actual data: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
17:56:35 : Binary check for 006.14 cISD2 Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F260
1F FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
07 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
3F FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:36 : Binary check for 007.01 cCSD Header Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F800
Expected data:
00 00 00 01 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:36 : Binary check for 007.02 cCSD Entry Table Started... Result: FAILED! Offset: 0x3F810
Expected data:
00 00 00 20 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17:56:36 : Binary check for 008.01 trvk_prg0 SCE Started... Result: OK!
17:56:36 : Binary check for 008.02 trvk_prg1 SCE Started... Result: OK!
17:56:37 : Binary check for 008.03 trvk_pkg0 SCE Started... Result: OK!
17:56:37 : Binary check for 008.04 trvk_pkg1 SCE Started... Result: OK!
17:56:37 : Binary check for 009.01 ROS0 Header Started... Result: OK!
17:56:37 : Binary check for 009.04 ROS1 Header Started... Result: OK!
17:56:38 : Binary check for 010.02 cvtrm0 Header Started... Result: OK!
17:56:38 : Binary check for 010.04 vtrm0 Magic Started... Result: OK!
17:56:38 : Binary check for 010.05 vtrm0 Reserved Entries Started... Result: OK!
17:56:39 : Binary check for 010.07 cvtrm1 Header Started... Result: OK!
17:56:39 : Binary check for 010.09 vtrm1 Magic Started... Result: OK!
17:56:39 : Binary check for 010.10 vtrm1 Reserved Entries Started... Result: OK!
17:56:39 : Binary check for 011.02 Second Region Header Magic Started... Result: OK!
17:56:39 : Binary check for 011.03 Second Region Header Count Started... Result: OK!
17:56:40 : Binary check for 011.05 Second Region Unknown Block 0 Started... Result: OK!
17:56:40 : Binary check for 011.07 Second Region Unknown Block 1 Started... Result: OK!
17:56:40 : Binary check for 013.01 CELL_EXTNOR_AREA Header Started... Result: OK!
17:56:40 : Binary check for 014.01 bootldr0 Started... Result: OK!
17:56:41 : Binary check for 014.02 bootldr1 Started... Result: OK!
17:56:41 : Binary check for 014.03 bootldr Rev key Started... Result: OK!
17:56:41 : Data check Started!
17:56:41 : Data Statistics check for 004.07 metldr Statistics Started... Result: 17:56:41 : Statistics check Failed! 0x00 doesn't match expected percentage: lower then 0,52% Actual value: 2,86%
17:56:42 : Statistics check Failed! 0xFF doesn't match expected percentage: lower then 0,52% Actual value: 1,21%
FAILED! Offset checked: 0x840
Length checked: 0xE920
Everything should be less then 0,52%
Actual data: 0x00 : 2,86%
0x01 : 0,37%
0x02 : 0,39%
0x03 : 0,36%
0x04 : 0,37%
0x05 : 0,44%
0x06 : 0,40%
0x07 : 0,35%
0x08 : 0,38%
0x09 : 0,38%
0x0A : 0,38%
0x0B : 0,38%
0x0C : 0,40%
0x0D : 0,33%
0x0E : 0,45%
0x0F : 0,35%
0x10 : 0,40%
0x11 : 0,33%
0x12 : 0,42%
0x13 : 0,42%
0x14 : 0,42%
0x15 : 0,37%
0x16 : 0,40%
0x17 : 0,34%
0x18 : 0,35%
0x19 : 0,45%
0x1A : 0,33%
0x1B : 0,41%
0x1C : 0,34%
0x1D : 0,39%
0x1E : 0,33%
0x1F : 0,32%
0x20 : 0,36%
0x21 : 0,37%
0x22 : 0,39%
0x23 : 0,34%
0x24 : 0,36%
0x25 : 0,43%
0x26 : 0,37%
0x27 : 0,39%
0x28 : 0,41%
0x29 : 0,35%
0x2A : 0,39%
0x2B : 0,37%
0x2C : 0,36%
0x2D : 0,41%
0x2E : 0,39%
0x2F : 0,34%
0x30 : 0,46%
0x31 : 0,39%
0x32 : 0,40%
0x33 : 0,37%
0x34 : 0,43%
0x35 : 0,35%
0x36 : 0,41%
0x37 : 0,40%
0x38 : 0,29%
0x39 : 0,36%
0x3A : 0,38%
0x3B : 0,40%
0x3C : 0,34%
0x3D : 0,36%
0x3E : 0,40%
0x3F : 0,39%
0x40 : 0,35%
0x41 : 0,37%
0x42 : 0,38%
0x43 : 0,38%
0x44 : 0,42%
0x45 : 0,36%
0x46 : 0,39%
0x47 : 0,33%
0x48 : 0,34%
0x49 : 0,40%
0x4A : 0,37%
0x4B : 0,39%
0x4C : 0,41%
0x4D : 0,39%
0x4E : 0,44%
0x4F : 0,36%
0x50 : 0,38%
0x51 : 0,36%
0x52 : 0,40%
0x53 : 0,37%
0x54 : 0,39%
0x55 : 0,38%
0x56 : 0,34%
0x57 : 0,36%
0x58 : 0,38%
0x59 : 0,37%
0x5A : 0,40%
0x5B : 0,44%
0x5C : 0,40%
0x5D : 0,40%
0x5E : 0,36%
0x5F : 0,35%
0x60 : 0,39%
0x61 : 0,30%
0x62 : 0,35%
0x63 : 0,36%
0x64 : 0,31%
0x65 : 0,36%
0x66 : 0,37%
0x67 : 0,41%
0x68 : 0,33%
0x69 : 0,39%
0x6A : 0,39%
0x6B : 0,42%
0x6C : 0,45%
0x6D : 0,41%
0x6E : 0,40%
0x6F : 0,34%
0x70 : 0,38%
0x71 : 0,43%
0x72 : 0,32%
0x73 : 0,37%
0x74 : 0,40%
0x75 : 0,33%
0x76 : 0,38%
0x77 : 0,40%
0x78 : 0,30%
0x79 : 0,41%
0x7A : 0,38%
0x7B : 0,42%
0x7C : 0,30%
0x7D : 0,39%
0x7E : 0,35%
0x7F : 0,34%
0x80 : 0,36%
0x81 : 0,36%
0x82 : 0,41%
0x83 : 0,35%
0x84 : 0,37%
0x85 : 0,33%
0x86 : 0,43%
0x87 : 0,38%
0x88 : 0,40%
0x89 : 0,40%
0x8A : 0,35%
0x8B : 0,38%
0x8C : 0,35%
0x8D : 0,41%
0x8E : 0,38%
0x8F : 0,35%
0x90 : 0,36%
0x91 : 0,38%
0x92 : 0,35%
0x93 : 0,41%
0x94 : 0,37%
0x95 : 0,40%
0x96 : 0,40%
0x97 : 0,37%
0x98 : 0,37%
0x99 : 0,42%
0x9A : 0,35%
0x9B : 0,39%
0x9C : 0,37%
0x9D : 0,47%
0x9E : 0,39%
0x9F : 0,33%
0xA0 : 0,34%
0xA1 : 0,36%
0xA2 : 0,35%
0xA3 : 0,36%
0xA4 : 0,37%
0xA5 : 0,40%
0xA6 : 0,37%
0xA7 : 0,30%
0xA8 : 0,37%
0xA9 : 0,41%
0xAA : 0,34%
0xAB : 0,44%
0xAC : 0,39%
0xAD : 0,38%
0xAE : 0,37%
0xAF : 0,40%
0xB0 : 0,38%
0xB1 : 0,33%
0xB2 : 0,42%
0xB3 : 0,37%
0xB4 : 0,40%
0xB5 : 0,45%
0xB6 : 0,37%
0xB7 : 0,40%
0xB8 : 0,33%
0xB9 : 0,40%
0xBA : 0,36%
0xBB : 0,32%
0xBC : 0,38%
0xBD : 0,41%
0xBE : 0,41%
0xBF : 0,40%
0xC0 : 0,35%
0xC1 : 0,41%
0xC2 : 0,36%
0xC3 : 0,42%
0xC4 : 0,37%
0xC5 : 0,36%
0xC6 : 0,39%
0xC7 : 0,34%
0xC8 : 0,33%
0xC9 : 0,36%
0xCA : 0,45%
0xCB : 0,39%
0xCC : 0,36%
0xCD : 0,44%
0xCE : 0,39%
0xCF : 0,37%
0xD0 : 0,36%
0xD1 : 0,39%
0xD2 : 0,41%
0xD3 : 0,40%
0xD4 : 0,40%
0xD5 : 0,37%
0xD6 : 0,34%
0xD7 : 0,37%
0xD8 : 0,37%
0xD9 : 0,36%
0xDA : 0,42%
0xDB : 0,38%
0xDC : 0,35%
0xDD : 0,39%
0xDE : 0,39%
0xDF : 0,35%
0xE0 : 0,41%
0xE1 : 0,45%
0xE2 : 0,34%
0xE3 : 0,38%
0xE4 : 0,45%
0xE5 : 0,39%
0xE6 : 0,33%
0xE7 : 0,38%
0xE8 : 0,34%
0xE9 : 0,41%
0xEA : 0,39%
0xEB : 0,35%
0xEC : 0,37%
0xED : 0,45%
0xEE : 0,39%
0xEF : 0,39%
0xF0 : 0,33%
0xF1 : 0,39%
0xF2 : 0,36%
0xF3 : 0,36%
0xF4 : 0,37%
0xF5 : 0,40%
0xF6 : 0,40%
0xF7 : 0,36%
0xF8 : 0,40%
0xF9 : 0,35%
0xFA : 0,37%
0xFB : 0,41%
0xFC : 0,36%
0xFD : 0,36%
0xFE : 0,33%
0xFF : 1,21%
17:56:42 : Data Statistics check for 005.19 eEID Statistics0 Started... Result: 17:56:42 : Statistics check Failed! 0x00 doesn't match expected percentage: lower then 1,1% Actual value: 100,00%
FAILED! Offset checked: 0x2F080
Length checked: 0xAF0
Everything should be less then 1,10%
Actual data: 0x00 : 100,00%
17:56:42 : Data Statistics check for 005.20 eEID Statistics1 Started... Result: 17:56:42 : Statistics check Failed! 0x00 doesn't match expected percentage: lower then 1,1% Actual value: 24,98%
FAILED! Offset checked: 0x2FB90
Length checked: 0x1240
Everything should be less then 1,10%
Actual data: 0x00 : 24,98%
0x01 : 0,26%
0x02 : 0,30%
0x03 : 0,28%
0x04 : 0,39%
0x05 : 0,21%
0x06 : 0,26%
0x07 : 0,49%
0x08 : 0,49%
0x09 : 0,30%
0x0A : 0,34%
0x0B : 0,15%
0x0C : 0,32%
0x0D : 0,34%
0x0E : 0,45%
0x0F : 0,17%
0x10 : 0,26%
0x11 : 0,26%
0x12 : 0,34%
0x13 : 0,39%
0x14 : 0,28%
0x15 : 0,36%
0x16 : 0,24%
0x17 : 0,39%
0x18 : 0,34%
0x19 : 0,24%
0x1A : 0,32%
0x1B : 0,24%
0x1C : 0,41%
0x1D : 0,28%
0x1E : 0,28%
0x1F : 0,34%
0x20 : 0,28%
0x21 : 0,45%
0x22 : 0,24%
0x23 : 0,13%
0x24 : 0,30%
0x25 : 0,24%
0x26 : 0,24%
0x27 : 0,28%
0x28 : 0,26%
0x29 : 0,28%
0x2A : 0,19%
0x2B : 0,32%
0x2C : 0,19%
0x2D : 0,30%
0x2E : 0,39%
0x2F : 0,30%
0x30 : 0,26%
0x31 : 0,30%
0x32 : 0,24%
0x33 : 0,34%
0x34 : 0,30%
0x35 : 0,34%
0x36 : 0,28%
0x37 : 0,21%
0x38 : 0,34%
0x39 : 0,36%
0x3A : 0,17%
0x3B : 0,26%
0x3C : 0,32%
0x3D : 0,28%
0x3E : 0,36%
0x3F : 0,28%
0x40 : 0,28%
0x41 : 0,19%
0x42 : 0,30%
0x43 : 0,28%
0x44 : 0,28%
0x45 : 0,36%
0x46 : 0,32%
0x47 : 0,34%
0x48 : 0,41%
0x49 : 0,28%
0x4A : 0,41%
0x4B : 0,24%
0x4C : 0,30%
0x4D : 0,21%
0x4E : 0,47%
0x4F : 0,26%
0x50 : 0,24%
0x51 : 0,30%
0x52 : 0,34%
0x53 : 0,28%
0x54 : 0,26%
0x55 : 0,17%
0x56 : 0,28%
0x57 : 0,24%
0x58 : 0,26%
0x59 : 0,45%
0x5A : 0,19%
0x5B : 0,19%
0x5C : 0,30%
0x5D : 0,21%
0x5E : 0,26%
0x5F : 0,26%
0x60 : 0,24%
0x61 : 0,36%
0x62 : 0,43%
0x63 : 0,28%
0x64 : 0,30%
0x65 : 0,26%
0x66 : 0,36%
0x67 : 0,32%
0x68 : 0,41%
0x69 : 0,36%
0x6A : 0,36%
0x6B : 0,26%
0x6C : 0,34%
0x6D : 0,17%
0x6E : 0,36%
0x6F : 0,36%
0x70 : 0,28%
0x71 : 0,36%
0x72 : 0,36%
0x73 : 0,32%
0x74 : 0,36%
0x75 : 0,26%
0x76 : 0,36%
0x77 : 0,24%
0x78 : 0,26%
0x79 : 0,24%
0x7A : 0,19%
0x7B : 0,47%
0x7C : 0,36%
0x7D : 0,24%
0x7E : 0,19%
0x7F : 0,09%
0x80 : 0,34%
0x81 : 0,24%
0x82 : 0,19%
0x83 : 0,13%
0x84 : 0,19%
0x85 : 0,41%
0x86 : 0,17%
0x87 : 0,45%
0x88 : 0,21%
0x89 : 0,28%
0x8A : 0,26%
0x8B : 0,32%
0x8C : 0,28%
0x8D : 0,39%
0x8E : 0,28%
0x8F : 0,39%
0x90 : 0,28%
0x91 : 0,39%
0x92 : 0,32%
0x93 : 0,36%
0x94 : 0,30%
0x95 : 0,36%
0x96 : 0,17%
0x97 : 0,26%
0x98 : 0,24%
0x99 : 0,32%
0x9A : 0,36%
0x9B : 0,24%
0x9C : 0,45%
0x9D : 0,30%
0x9E : 0,26%
0x9F : 0,30%
0xA0 : 0,30%
0xA1 : 0,41%
0xA2 : 0,24%
0xA3 : 0,17%
0xA4 : 0,21%
0xA5 : 0,19%
0xA6 : 0,24%
0xA7 : 0,13%
0xA8 : 0,21%
0xA9 : 0,39%
0xAA : 0,34%
0xAB : 0,32%
0xAC : 0,41%
0xAD : 0,11%
0xAE : 0,13%
0xAF : 0,28%
0xB0 : 0,36%
0xB1 : 0,30%
0xB2 : 0,34%
0xB3 : 0,34%
0xB4 : 0,24%
0xB5 : 0,32%
0xB6 : 0,28%
0xB7 : 0,34%
0xB8 : 0,17%
0xB9 : 0,24%
0xBA : 0,26%
0xBB : 0,49%
0xBC : 0,34%
0xBD : 0,32%
0xBE : 0,41%
0xBF : 0,43%
0xC0 : 0,19%
0xC1 : 0,32%
0xC2 : 0,17%
0xC3 : 0,19%
0xC4 : 0,19%
0xC5 : 0,34%
0xC6 : 0,32%
0xC7 : 0,41%
0xC8 : 0,30%
0xC9 : 0,32%
0xCA : 0,15%
0xCB : 0,32%
0xCC : 0,17%
0xCD : 0,30%
0xCE : 0,49%
0xCF : 0,30%
0xD0 : 0,30%
0xD1 : 0,34%
0xD2 : 0,30%
0xD3 : 0,26%
0xD4 : 0,26%
0xD5 : 0,26%
0xD6 : 0,32%
0xD7 : 0,21%
0xD8 : 0,32%
0xD9 : 0,39%
0xDA : 0,36%
0xDB : 0,47%
0xDC : 0,26%
0xDD : 0,36%
0xDE : 0,21%
0xDF : 0,30%
0xE0 : 0,34%
0xE1 : 0,24%
0xE2 : 0,30%
0xE3 : 0,34%
0xE4 : 0,43%
0xE5 : 0,28%
0xE6 : 0,32%
0xE7 : 0,30%
0xE8 : 0,32%
0xE9 : 0,26%
0xEA : 0,28%
0xEB : 0,32%
0xEC : 0,34%
0xED : 0,26%
0xEE : 0,39%
0xEF : 0,19%
0xF0 : 0,28%
0xF1 : 0,39%
0xF2 : 0,19%
0xF3 : 0,34%
0xF4 : 0,32%
0xF5 : 0,30%
0xF6 : 0,26%
0xF7 : 0,28%
0xF8 : 0,28%
0xF9 : 0,28%
0xFA : 0,34%
0xFB : 0,21%
0xFC : 0,34%
0xFD : 0,21%
0xFE : 0,15%
0xFF : 0,26%
17:56:42 : Data Statistics check for 006.13 cISD1 Statistics Started... Result: 17:56:43 : Statistics check Failed! 0xFF doesn't match expected percentage: lower then 0% Actual value: 100,00%
FAILED! Offset checked: 0x3F070
Length checked: 0x3C
FF Should be less then 0,00%
Actual data: 0xFF : 100,00%
17:56:43 : Data Statistics check for 014.04 bootldr Statistics Started... Result: OK!
17:56:43 : Hash check Started!
17:56:43 : Hash check for 009.02 ROS0 Hash Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data: MD5 Hash: 5C5461F95F4ADE0900DF964A62F0931A
17:56:43 : Hash check for 009.05 ROS1 Hash Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data: MD5 Hash: 6BCF52C19A414309E02A55D54D7445C3
17:56:44 : ROS Version check Started!
17:56:44 : ROS Version check for ROS0 Started... Result: OK! (460.000)
17:56:44 : ROS Version check for ROS1 Started... Result: OK! (455.000)
17:56:44 : Repetitions check Started!
17:56:45 : Repetitions check for Header Magic0 Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
Header Magic0 Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x8010
Header Magic0 Repetitions Expected at: 0x10
17:56:45 : Repetitions check for Header Magic1 Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
Header Magic1 Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0xF08010
Header Magic1 Repetitions Expected at: 0xF00010
17:56:46 : Repetitions check for asecure_loader Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
asecure_loader Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x8420
asecure_loader Repetitions Expected at: 0x420
17:56:46 : Repetitions check for eEID Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
eEID Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x8450
eEID Repetitions Expected at: 0x450
17:56:47 : Repetitions check for cISD Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
cISD Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x8480
cISD Repetitions Expected at: 0x480
17:56:47 : Repetitions check for cCSD Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
cCSD Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x84B0
cCSD Repetitions Expected at: 0x4B0
17:56:47 : Repetitions check for trvk_prg0 Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
trvk_prg0 Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x84E0
trvk_prg0 Repetitions Expected at: 0x4E0
17:56:48 : Repetitions check for trvk_prg1 Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
trvk_prg1 Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x8510
trvk_prg1 Repetitions Expected at: 0x510
17:56:49 : Repetitions check for trvk_pkg0 Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
trvk_pkg0 Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x8540
trvk_pkg0 Repetitions Expected at: 0x540
17:56:49 : Repetitions check for trvk_pkg1 Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
trvk_pkg1 Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x8570
trvk_pkg1 Repetitions Expected at: 0x570
17:56:50 : Repetitions check for ros0 Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
ros0 Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x85A0
ros0 Repetitions Expected at: 0x5A0
17:56:50 : Repetitions check for ros1 Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
ros1 Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x85D0
ros1 Repetitions Expected at: 0x5D0
17:56:51 : Repetitions check for cvtrm Repetitions Started... Result: FAILED!
Actual data:
cvtrm Repetitions Found at 1 offset(s): 0x8600
cvtrm Repetitions Expected at: 0x600
17:56:51 : Data Match check Started!
17:56:51 : Datamatch for: bootldr size Started Result: OK!
17:56:51 : Datamatch for: per console nonce Started Result: Failed!
metldr :
69 C5 85 62 24 B2 DD BA 08 8F B5 38
eid0 :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
eid3 :
69 C5 85 62 24 B2 DD BA 08 8F B5 38
eid5 :
69 C5 85 62 24 B2 DD BA 08 8F B5 38
bootldr :
69 C5 85 62 24 B2 DD BA 08 8F B5 38
17:56:52 : Datamatch for: CELL_EXTNOR_AREA Hash1 Started Result: OK!
17:56:52 : Datamatch for: CELL_EXTNOR_AREA Hash2 Started Result: OK!
17:56:52 : Datamatch for: metldr size Started Result: OK!
17:56:52 : Datamatch for: vtrm0 Started Result: OK!
17:56:53 : Datamatch for: vtrm1 Started Result: OK!
17:56:53 : Data Fill check Started!
17:56:53 : Data Fill check for: 001.01 First Region Header 0x00 Filled Area 0 Started! Result: OK!
17:56:53 : Data Fill check for: 001.03 First Region Header 0x00 Filled Area 1 Started! Result: OK!
17:56:54 : Data Fill check for: 002.03 Flash Format 0xFF Filled Area Started! Result: OK!
17:56:54 : Data Fill check for: 003.24 Flash Region Table 0x00 Filled Area Started! Result: OK!
17:56:54 : Data Fill check for: 004.08 asecure_loader 0x00 Filled Area Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xF160
has the value: 0x5F
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:54 : Data Fill check for: 005.18 eEID Region 0xFF Filled Area Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0x38000
has the value: 0xC4
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:54 : Data Fill check for: 006.05 cISD0 0xFF Filled Area Started! Result: OK!
17:56:55 : Data Fill check for: 006.09 cISD1 0xFF Filled Area 0 Started! Result: OK!
17:56:55 : Data Fill check for: 006.12 cISD1 0xFF Filled Area 1 Started! Result: OK!
17:56:55 : Data Fill check for: 006.15 cISD 0xFF Filled Area Started! Result: OK!
17:56:55 : Data Fill check for: 007.03 cCSD 0xFF Filled Area Started! Result: OK!
17:56:56 : Data Fill check for: 010.01 Pre cvtrm 0xFF Filled Area Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xEBFFF0
has the value: 0x00
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:56 : Data Fill check for: 010.03 cvtrm0 0xFF Filled Area Started! Result: OK!
17:56:56 : Data Fill check for: 010.08 cvtrm1 0xFF Filled Area Started! Result: OK!
17:56:56 : Data Fill check for: 011.01 Second Region Header 0x00 Filled Area 0 Started! Result: OK!
17:56:57 : Data Fill check for: 011.04 Second Region Header 0x00 Filled Area 1 Started! Result: OK!
17:56:57 : Data Fill check for: 011.06 Second Region Header 0x00 Filled Area 2 Started! Result: OK!
17:56:57 : Data Fill check for: 011.08 Second Region Header 0x00 Filled Area 3 Started! Result: OK!
17:56:57 : Data Fill check for: 012.01 unreferenced area 0xFF Filled Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xF08000
has the value: 0x00
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:58 : Data Fill check for: 013.02 CELL_EXTNOR_AREA 0x00 Filled Area 0 Started! Result: OK!
17:56:58 : Data Fill check for: 013.03 CELL_EXTNOR_AREA 0x00 Filled Area 1 Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xF28000
has the value: 0x43
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:58 : Data Fill check for: 013.04 CELL_EXTNOR_AREA 0x00 Filled Area 2 Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xF48003
has the value: 0x01
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:58 : Data Fill check for: 013.05 CELL_EXTNOR_AREA 0x00 Filled Area 3 Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xF68000
has the value: 0x10
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:59 : Data Fill check for: 013.06 CELL_EXTNOR_AREA 0xFF Filled Area 0 Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xF69C00
has the value: 0x00
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:59 : Data Fill check for: 013.07 CELL_EXTNOR_AREA 0x00 Filled Area 5 Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xF88003
has the value: 0x01
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:59 : Data Fill check for: 013.08 CELL_EXTNOR_AREA 0x00 Filled Area 6 Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xFA8000
has the value: 0x10
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:59 : Data Fill check for: 013.09 CELL_EXTNOR_AREA 0xFF Filled Area 1 Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xFA9C00
has the value: 0x00
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:56:59 : Data Fill check for: 014.05 bootldr 0xFF Filled Area Started! Result: FAILED!
The byte @ offset: 0xFEF4F0
has the value: 0xCF
Please check the data further down the line manually...
17:57:00 : SKU List check Started!
17:57:00 : No matching SKU model found!
17:57:00 : idps = 00
17:57:00 : metldr0 = E920
17:57:00 : metldr1 = 0E8E
17:57:00 : bootldr0 = 2F4B
17:57:00 : bootldr1 = 2F4B
17:57:01 : bootldrsize = 2F4F0
17:57:01 : All checks (138 Checks) have been completed after 39 Second(s) and 785 Millisecond(s)
Bad count: 44 of 138 Tests Result: Failed!