MerciROS hash OFW 4.75 ajouté dans la hashlist de PS3DumpChecker (maj de la hashlist disponible depuis le soft).
Le patch sera mis à jour dés que dispo.

"Build 481 2015-02-27:
- Changed: The embedded 4.66 patch replaced by the Darkjiros's 4.70 fixed patch
- Added: OFW and Patched 4.70 ROS hashs
- Fixed: cvtrm checks 010.04 & 010.06 (NAND) and 010.06 & 010.11 (NOR) are deactivated as they are causing false negative on some rare flash images. Those checks are commented into the default.config files and can be restaured.
- Fixed: datas of cISD semistatic2 check completed "
C'est le dernier changelog du PS3 Dump Checker
Modifié par chronoss, 02 juin 2015 - 18:51.