Instructions:1. Activate ps2 classic placeholder through psnpatch or reactpsn and install this pkg2. Run it and maintain sync3. Now onwards when you mount iso, run the placeholder icon and iso will be loadedThis PKG includes pre-added memory cards as well so, are we done?P.S: I prefer original pic of this pkg to eliminate rap and the name confusion, if any.Supported CFW:1. Habib 4.70 cobra 7.10 v1.022. (theoretical compatibility) Rebug 4.70.1 with cobra on joonies github (compilation required) (CEX only-dex requires a patch)It's working, i tested it !
1.) Small size
2.) Legal Homebrew Game Included.
Extract this on your usb:
Ce message a été modifié par tralala - 13 May 2015 - 08:30.