Après la mise à jour de Abgx voila ce que ça me done:
\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/█\\//\ \ \/ /┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\█▀█\█▀█\█▀█/ /\ \ ─┤├─┐│ │//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...
Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving
C:\Users\Wissam\Downloads\[www.Cpasbien.pe] FIFA 15.XBOX360-COMPLEX\complex-fifa
15.dvd is valid
Checking Game
ISO: "C:\Users\Wissam\Downloads\[www.Cpasbien.pe] FIFA 15.XBOX360-COMPLEX\c
Size: 8738846720 bytes
Files in ISO: 230, Folders in ISO: 18
Total bytes used: 7187345159 (82.97%)
Game appears to have random padding
Checking default.xex
Original PE Filename: fifazf.tmp.dll
Original PE Timestamp: 2014/09/01 22:52:45
Min Kernel Required: v2.0.16537.0
Game Name: FIFA 15
No Avatar Awards
Achievements: 38 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
XEX CRC = B7532422
XEX Media ID: 725FA0B51098547211839B48-45B73E8B
Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
Region Free!
Checking topology data
Querying the online database to find the appropriate verified data to use...
Querying the online database
100% [================================>] 35
Topology information was downloaded successfully
Looking for TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.sha1 in the online verified database
Server file TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.sha1 no newer than local file - not re
Topology data is currently verified
Checking SS
Timestamp of Authoring: 2014/09/02 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2014/09/08 19:44:15
SS Version: 2 (trusted)
SS CRC = 5BB267B0 (RawSS = 72255DBD)
SS Media ID: 725FA0B51098547211839B48-45B73E8B (matches game)
SS looks valid
Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2014/09/02 00:00:00 (matches SS)
DMI Media ID: 725FA0B51098547211839B48-45B73E8B (matches game)
DMI looks valid
Checking PFI
PFI CRC = 26AF4C58
PFI matches known data (XGD3)
Video partition found
Video CRC = 655FE2E6 (V0 = 3EB117A4, V1 = A35EC30D)
Basic Stealth check passed!
Starting Verification
Looking for 5BB267B0B7532422.ini in the online verified database
There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Attempting to at least verify the PFI, Video and game data
Looking for Xex_B7532422.ini in the online verified database
There is no verified rip of Xex CRC B7532422 in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex
Verification failed
Press any key to exit . . .
quel est la procédure à suivre après cette mise à jour?