Le célèbre homebrew PsnPatch de KW qui minimise le ban PSN d'un grand nombre d'utilisateurs est mis à jour en 4.70.02.Cette mise à jour apporte des fonctions supplémentaires qui n'étaient pas disponible sans CFW Cobra, comme le lancement automatique des Plugins, le plugin Webman mod qui est pris en charge, le spoof de CID (idps) automatique au démarrage et une compatibilité confirmée pour les 4.70.
Vous pouvez configurer le plugin de PsnPatch avec la nouvelle ToolBox prévue pour les CFW non Cobra.Toutes les infos sont dans le ChangeLog donc veuillez bien le lire avant l'utilisation. Le support des ISO sur les CFW Standard est prévu par la suite.
Si vous rencontrez un soucis sur un CFW non Cobra , réinstallez votre CFW
Change log 4.70.02:
[4.70.02] - 3/MAR/2015
BIG news for non-cobra cfw !
* Added auto-boot PLUGINS FOR NON-COBRA CFW !!!
* New psnpatch plugin updated to fully run in BOTH COBRA and NON-COBRA;
* Included webMAN-MOD plugin for both cobra and non-cobra modes;
* "Block PSN Access" now works for BOTH COBRA and NON-COBRA at boot time;
(providing the psnpatch plugin is installed - wait for psnpatch welcome message).
* IDPS auto-spoofing now works for BOTH COBRA and NON-COBRA at boot time;
(providing the psnpatch plugin is installed - wait for psnpatch welcome message).
* Confirmed compatibility with 4.70 CFW
(this is just a confirmation as no code changes were needed);
= Notes for non-cobra plugins:
1) Non-cobra plugins should be configured in /dev_hdd0/prx_plugins.txt;
(psnpatch does this automatically when installing psnpatch or webman plugins);
2) Non-cobra plugins can mount games only in jailbreak format;
3) ISO support for non-cobra is comming
4) When in non-cobra CFW: go to new "TOOLBOX" menu in PSNPatch app to configure plugins;
5) Non-cobra plugins were tested just in 4.70, but it should be compatible with several previous CFW versions;
6) Many failsafe procedures were taken in consideration to install the non-cobra plugin handler.
In the event of something going wrong
(a broken plugin or an error installing the plugin handler),
there are 2 EASY failsafe procedures:
a) Create a "failsafe" file and place it in a folder named "core_flags" in a usb stick in the right usb port of the ps3.
This procedure can also be done to disable plugin loading from non-cobra cfw.
Re-install the CFW from the Recovery menu.
Lien de telechargement .zip: https://www.sendspace.com/file/lm2eb8
Lien de telechargement pkg: http://store.brewolo...id=244&fid=1847