Euh, a quoi sert d'avoir Netflix si ta console n'est pas connecté au service PSN de la PS3 ??? (et jen passe)
Je comprend pas la news.
ben justement toutes les consoles bannies du PSN ou en CFW peuvent se connecter du coup, tout comme on le fait déjà depuis des mois avec Multiman .
D'une façon plus générale, c'est toute une solution pour se passer du PSN et d'etre connecter sur le net qui a été mise en ligne permettant de sortir ces outils .
strictlyfocused wrote:
Here is the patched spark.cfg.sdat for the recently released USA Amazon 2.10. J
ust so its documented, here are the steps I've been using to patch these:
1. Download and extract npdtoolv4d (npdtool - edat/sdat tool (w/ compression supported))
2. copy the original spark.cfg.sdat from your PS3 to the same directory as npdtool.exe (usa version spark.cfg.sdat is under /dev_hdd0/game/NPUP10021/USRDIR/data/config)
3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the npdtool.exe directory
4. Run this command (keep cmd prompt open after) - npdtool ds spark.cfg.sdat spark.cfg
5. Open spark.cfg in notepad++ or whatever editor you like
6. Change "requirePSN" from "true" to "false" and save your change
7. Delete the original spark.cfg.sdat file
8. In the command prompt you left open, run this command - npdtool 4s spark.cfg spark.cfg.sdat 8000
9. Copy the newly created spark.cfg.sdat back to your PS3 where you got the original and now you can use Amazon Instant with no PSN login requirement
strictlyfocused wrote:
I figured out how to remove the PSN login requirement for Netflix. Here is the patched app.sprx for the lazy.
its documented, here are the steps I used to patch out the login requirement for USA v2.19 Netflix
Grab app.sprx from /dev_hdd0/game/NPUP00030/USRDIR/
Download TrueAncestor SELF Resigner v1.91 and extract it
Copy app.sprx into the "self" folder where ever you extracted TrueAncestor to
Launch TrueAncestor and choose option 4 "Decrypt SELF/SPRX Only"
Choose your app.sprx (should be #1)
Copy/paste into notepad the values of "ContentID" and "Klicensee" it shows
-- eg. UT0007-NPUP00030_00-NETFLIXRIGEL01NA
-- eg. 7AC7E325735C754B8C7F7984819B0A48
Close TrueAncestor
Open the app.prx that was just created in a hex editor (I used HxD)
Ctrl-F and text-string search for "PSNLoginRequired=true"
Move your cursor to the beginning of the word "true" and type "false". It will insert the characters as you type. DO NOT delete the word "true", let it overwrite it.
Save your changes and close the hex editor
Go back to the "self" folder and delete/rename your original app.sprx
Launch TrueAncestor again and pick option 8 "Custom Sign to NPDRM SELF/SPRX"
Choose your edited app.prx (should be #1)
Paste in the values of the ContentID and Klicensee that we saved earlier
Copy the new app.sprx that gets generated over to your PS3
Enjoy PSN-less Netflix
Ce message a été modifié par tralala - 18 février 2015 - 18:45.