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Posté 09 février 2015 - 13:20




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Voilà j'ai un gros problème après avoir fais la mis à jour du MCU au firmware 2.3 mes jeux n'apparraissent pas. Sachant qu'au Firmware 2.2 c'est le même problème. J'ai une PS3 avec cobra ode 4.30.A sur une PS3 4.65 ultra slim. Quand je fais la mis à jour du mcu.rom la led fais violet rouge puis plus rien...

Merci par avance de votre aide !


Modifié par tali6148, 09 février 2015 - 13:26.

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Posté 09 février 2015 - 13:26




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Est-ce que le cobra a déjà fonctionné correctement ? Si oui, précises. PS3 en 4.55 ou 4.66 ?

<p>PS3 OFW 4.75 2k1 Cobra ODE V3 + DMC
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Posté 09 février 2015 - 13:31




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Oui PS3 en 4.55

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Posté 09 février 2015 - 13:34




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La maj 2.3 est réservée au DMC (module complémentaire pour FAT et Slim), donc déjà tu dois rester en 2.2.

Tu était en quelle maj avant ? cela fonctionnait correctement ?

Modifié par xToM33, 09 février 2015 - 13:34.

<p>PS3 OFW 4.75 2k1 Cobra ODE V3 + DMC
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Posté 09 février 2015 - 13:40




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D'accord. Je ne me souviens plus trop je crois que j'étais en 2.0 ou 2.1 mais cela fonctionnait parfaitement en 4.55. La je suis repasser en 2.2 comme vous me l'avez suggérer j'ai une case Pass-Trough et les autres cases son vide alors que j'ai mis 2 jeux dedans en .swap.iso

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Posté 09 février 2015 - 13:50




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t 'as modifié le fichier cobra.cfg en activant games.encrypted=1 ?

<p>PS3 OFW 4.75 2k1 Cobra ODE V3 + DMC
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Posté 09 février 2015 - 14:04




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Je pense que oui c'est bon :

# This sample cobra.cfg file lists all the options that the Cobra ODE supports
# Each option is explained and an example is given
# Uncomment the option by removing the # in front of it to enable the option
# PS3 superslim users who updated to the 4.55 firmware must enable the protection bypass
# and must refer to the user manual for instructions on how to use their ODE on 4.55
# PS3 superslim users who updated to the 4.60 firmware, must use the new SWAP creation tools
# and also enable the following option

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Posté 09 février 2015 - 14:10




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Il est activé qu'une seule fois dans le fichier ? 

<p>PS3 OFW 4.75 2k1 Cobra ODE V3 + DMC
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Posté 09 février 2015 - 14:17




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Non, 2 fois.
####### Cobra ODE Configuration file ######
# This sample cobra.cfg file lists all the options that the Cobra ODE supports
# Each option is explained and an example is given
# Uncomment the option by removing the # in front of it to enable the option
# PS3 superslim users who updated to the 4.55 firmware must enable the protection bypass
# and must refer to the user manual for instructions on how to use their ODE on 4.55
# PS3 superslim users who updated to the 4.60 firmware, must use the new SWAP creation tools
# and also enable the following option
# manager.type
# Sets the type of manager for game selection.
# Options are :
# disabled: Manager is disabled, iso game is loaded directly from game.path option
# browser: Cobra Browser is generated. Requires browser.iso file (default)
# homebrew: Cobra Manager is loaded. Requires manager.iso file
# custom: A custom manager is loaded. Requires manager.iso file and iso.X options
# custom+homebrew: A custom manager is loaded and /COBRA directory is populated. Requires manager.iso file and iso.X options
# eject.on_selection
# Tells the ODE to eject the manager or browser as soon as a game is selected and switch to ISO mode.
# Without this option, the user needs to manually eject the disc or reboot the console
# This option is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting eject.on_selection=0
# manager.on_reboot
# Return to manager mode when the PS3 reboots
# Default value is 0
# manager.on_eject
# Return to manager mode when a disc is ejected
# Default value is 1
# game.path
# Sets the path of the iso to load if manager.type=disabled is set
# manager.disctype
# Defines the type of disc to appear when the manager is loaded
# This is useful for increased stealth by making the browser appear as a bluray disc
# or for experimenting with custom managers appearing as ps1 games or DVD movies for example
# Options are :
# cd: Appear as a burned CD-ROM
# dvd: Appear as a burned DVD
# bd: Appear as a Bluray Disc
# ps1: Appear as a PS1 game
# ps2: Appear as a PS2 game
# ps3 : Appear as a PS3 game (default)
# game.disctype
# Defines the type of disc to appear when an iso is loaded
# This is only useful for experimenting with custom types of discs when the game is of a different
# type. Like for example, a PS2 game appearing as a DVD data disc to explore its content from the XMB
# Options are :
# cd: Appear as a burned CD-ROM
# dvd: Appear as a burned DVD
# bd: Appear as a Bluray Disc
# ps1: Appear as a PS1 game
# ps2: Appear as a PS2 game
# ps3 : Appear as a PS3 game
# If the value is not set, the default setting will depend on the type of iso being loaded
# iso.X.sector
# Set a custom trigger sector in the manager to load the iso specified at X.
# Up to 500 iso can be specified and the sector value specified must be in hexadecimal
# Only valid when manager.type=custom or manager.type=custom+homebrew
# iso.X.path
# Set the path of the iso to load when the associated sector is trigger.
# Up to 500 iso can be specified and the sector value specified must be in hexadecimal
# Only valid when manager.type=custom or manager.type=custom+homebrew
# Options are :
# dvd: Iso is a DVD Movie
# bd: Iso is as a BD Movie
# ps1: Iso is a PS1 game
# ps2: Iso is a PS2 game
# ps3 : Iso is a PS3 game (default)
# iso.X.type
# Set the type of the iso to load when the associated sector is trigger.
# Only valid when manager.type=custom or manager.type=custom+homebrew
# eject.sector
# Set a custom trigger sector in the manager to enable the auto-eject feature.
# The sector value specified must be in hexadecimal
# Only valid when manager.type=custom or manager.type=custom+homebrew
# hdd.poll
# Set the interval in seconds for the ODE to poll the HDD to prevent it from idling.
# Set to 0 to disable the feature. Default value is 1
# game.type
# Defines the type of game of the iso specified in game.path if manager.type=disabled is set

# Options are :
# dvd: Iso is a DVD Movie
# bd: Iso is as a BD Movie
# ps1: Iso is a PS1 game
# ps2: Iso is a PS2 game
# ps3 : Iso is a PS3 game (default)
# disc.unsupported
# Disables the "Inserted disc is not supported by the COBRA database"
# Is useful for switching to a PS2 game or dumping an unsupported game
# If the disc is not supported in the database, the game will not launch.
# eject.add_menu
# Adds a menu to the XMB when a PS3 game is loaded to return back to the manager
# This is useful for superslim users who do not have the "Remove Disc" option in XMB
# This option is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting eject.add_menu=0
# Forces the ODE to work in Passthrough Mode
# eject.delay
# Specify the delay in milliseconds between the moment the disc is ejected and the moment the
# disc is reloaded into the tray for QSB systems (2k, 2k5, 3k and 4k)
# The default value is 1000ms
# leds.disable
# Disable a LED color. This is useful for people who find the LED annoying when trying to sleep
# Disabling one color can affect combined colors. For example, when loading a DVD movie
# which shows a white LED (green, red and blue), disabling the green LED will show a
# purple (blue, red) color instead.
# Options are :
# 0: No color disabled (default)
# 1: Disable blue LED
# 2: Disable red LED
# 3: Disable blue and red LED
# 4: Disable green LED
# 5: Disable green and blue LED
# 6: Disable red and green LED
# 7: Disable all LED colors
# bypass.4.55
# Bypass the new 4.55 (and 4.60) firmware authentication on superslim models. Refer to the user manual for
# instructions on how to bypass the new authentication system
# mcu.underclock
# Underclock the MCU to 180MHz. This will make the ODE use less power and generate less heat.
# This can be helpful if your ODE heats up and freezes often.
# By default, the MCU runs at 270MHz.
# This option does not do anything on Cobra ODE v5.x boards
# bypass.delay
# Allows to set the delay for switching discs in the 4.55 bypass.
# The value is in milliseconds which the default being 10000 (10 seconds)
# The value and can be set to any value, where 0 disables the bypass and can be set up to 30000 which is 30 seconds
# Values up to 30 seconds have been tested and working, higher values can be set, but can cause the console to freeze
# folders.ps3_games
# Sets the directory to search for ps3 games, default is /PS3_GAMES
# folders.ps2_games
# Sets the directory to search for ps2 games, default is /PS2_GAMES
# folders.ps1_games
# Sets the directory to search for ps1 games, default is /PS1_GAMES
# folders.dvd_movies
# Sets the directory to search for dvd movies, default is /DVD_MOVIES
# folders.bd_movies
# Sets the directory to search for bluray movies, default is /BD_MOVIES
# games.encrypted
# Disable ODE encryption of iso files
# This option is required when using the new swap tools for 4.60 bypass
# psx.region
# Enables automatica region patching for PSX games.
# The PSX_JAP.BIN, PSX_USA.BIN and PSX_PAL.BIN files must be in the COBRA directory
# Available options are :
# usa: USA PSX region
# jap: Japanese PSX region
# pal: PAL PSX region

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Posté 09 février 2015 - 14:22




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Il le faut qu'une fois, deux fois ça ne fonctionne pas.

<p>PS3 OFW 4.75 2k1 Cobra ODE V3 + DMC
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Posté 09 février 2015 - 14:24




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D'accord mais je supprime lequel ?

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Posté 09 février 2015 - 14:27




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On s'en fiche, celui que tu souhaites.

<p>PS3 OFW 4.75 2k1 Cobra ODE V3 + DMC
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Posté 09 février 2015 - 14:28




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J'ai supprimé la ligne et rien y fait toujours pareil

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Posté 09 février 2015 - 14:30




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Quand tu as fais la maj 2.2, tu as bien mis à jour les fichiers fpga1.dat et fpga3.dat ?

<p>PS3 OFW 4.75 2k1 Cobra ODE V3 + DMC
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Posté 09 février 2015 - 14:31




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Oui un par un j'ai commencé par mcu.rom puis fpga1.dat et ensuite fpga3.dat.

Je vous ai pris des photos pour vous montré ce que cela me fais :



Modifié par tali6148, 09 février 2015 - 14:39.

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Posté 09 février 2015 - 14:51




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Ces jeux fonctionnaient avant la maj ?

<p>PS3 OFW 4.75 2k1 Cobra ODE V3 + DMC
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Posté 09 février 2015 - 15:07




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Posté 10 février 2015 - 14:35




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Personne pour me filer un petit coup de main ?

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Posté 10 février 2015 - 20:22




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A mon avis tes jeux sont mal montés.

<p>PS3 OFW 4.75 2k1 Cobra ODE V3 + DMC
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Posté 11 février 2015 - 08:13




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C'est a dire mal monté ? J'ai re-téléchargé un nouveau jeu pour voir. Pour les transféré dans mon disque dur je procède comme dans ce tuto

Est ce que c'est bon ? 

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