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PSN Liberator v0.9B pour convertir les jeux PSN en Retail

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Posté 27 janvier 2015 - 21:41



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Le développeur Rudi Rastelli qui nous a déjà apporté divers outils tels que PS3 ISO Tools et PS3 Game Updater diffuse maintenant PSN Liberator. Cet outil Windows est très pratique si vous en avez marre de devoir réactiver votre contenu acheté tout le temps sous multiMAN / IRISMAN ou WEBMAN. 
La principale caractéristique est qu'il permet de convertir votre contenu PSN en ISO ou en format de disque, vous permettant d'ajouter les DLCs et de les mettre à jour. D'autres caractéristiques sont présentes, comme la signature des contenus 3.55 ou encore la création de bulles d'installation. Attention cette version reste une Bêta mais elle va vite devenir terriblement indispensable.



Rudi Rastelli wrote:
Hi !
Here's the first beta of my new project: "PSN Liberator v0.9B".
To get an idea of what it does and to get some useful tips to get started please read the "ReadMe":
by Rudi Rastelli
Credits: @ifcaro, @Brunestud, @RipCord, @DeLiGht, @Hykem, @aldostools, @eslab
Converts PSN-content, like Games, PS1- PS2-Classics, DLCs, Minis, Themes and Avatars
As input you can either use PKG-Files or copied "/dev_hdd0/games/[GameID]"-folders
Optional integration of game-updates, unlock-PKGs/EDATs and DLCs
Converts PSN-games into disc-games (folder- or ISO- format)
Resigns all PSN-content to 3.55
Automatic and manual conversion of "*.rif" to "*.rap" files
Create a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc with the liberated PSN Contents.
Create a "PS2-Classics-Placeholder" rap-file
1st Steps:
1. Start LIBERATOR and follow assistent to the point to set up LIBERATOR for 1st use
Note: You can use the "PSN CONTENT"-folder from the LIBERATOR's program directory. It's a possible folder structure just for to
show you how to get started... Just copy it elsewhere to follow the "How-To-Use"-Example (see below)
1. You need a fully installed, activated and updated PSN-game on your PS3. DLCs could be installed as well(they must be activated)
(Most likely you already have a such a game on your PS3... else got to PSN-store and buy one)
2. Find out the "GameID" of the game and search in "/dev_hdd0/games/" for a folder with exactly the name of that "GameID"
Copy that folder to "PSN CONTENT\LOCKED\PSN GAMES\"
3. Now enter "/dev_hdd0/home/0000000x/exdata/" and search for
a) all "*.rif"-files with the "GameID" in it's name and copy them to "PSN CONTENT\RIFsRAPs"
B) an "*.edat"-file with the "GameID" in it's name and copy it to "PSN CONTENT\UNLOCKS" (Not all games have "*.rif"- AND "*.edat"-files... often games have only one type)
TIP: At 1st time just copy over all RIFs and EDATs you'll find.
4. Set up in LIBERATORs main menu:
B) "PSN Game Unlock File" = "PSN CONTENT\UNLOCKS\****[GameID]****.edat" (only if you've found an *.edat" for your game)
5. Press Button:
a) "PKG" -> Creates a liberated PKG-File
B) "DISC GAME FOLDER" -> Creates a liberated Disc-Game-Folder
c) "ISO" -> Creates a liberated ISO-File
Notes :
To get Update-PKGs for each game u can use my PS3 GAME UPDATER
Sometimes an additional Unlock-PKG-File will be created. Install it to finally liberate the game. You can 1st try the liberated game without that Unlock-PKG-File installed. Not all games need them. Just try !
Not all PSN-games will work when they are converted to disc. It's a matter of TRY & ERROR ! (Sometimes it works without problems, sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes with freezes/errors/glitches)
The icon("ICON0.PNG") of every processed content will be saved in "[LIBERATOR Programmverzeichnis]\GameIconCache\"-folder as "[GameID].PNG". This will most likely shorten the creation of a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc with "Bubble"-Game-Icons.
While creating a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc just drag&drop the PKG-Files, which should be included in the disc. Then arrange them to your likings. Create disc as game-folder or ISO.
If you've selected to use "Bubbles" with game-icons LIBERATOR will 1st search in "[LIBERATOR Programmverzeichnis]\GameIconCache\" for a "[GameID].PNG"-file. If it's not there it will extract the PKG-file to get the "ICON0.PNG". This could take a long time. To avoid this you can add game-icons maunally to "GameIconCache". Just name them "[GameID].PNG".
Keep in mind that a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc can get really big depending on the number of and size of the PKG-Files you've added.
Don't update liberated games online or offline !... else they will be locked again !
This is a first beta version and i guess it will be not perfect.
Therefore i would really appritiate any kind of feedback to sort out problems you might come across with it.



Lien de téléchargement : PSN Liberator v0.92B (15.3 Mo)

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Posté 27 janvier 2015 - 21:51




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                  Pose de puce et réparation ( Xbox360/PS3/WII ) dans le 26 - 38 - nord 07

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Posté 27 janvier 2015 - 22:17



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Mail: pour tout Hack dans la région du 76 ,27 envoi Postal possible

Montage SX core = "Switch FAT/ Mariko" | SX Lite = Switch Lite" | SwitchMe = Switch FAT V1

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Posté 27 janvier 2015 - 23:25




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Merci il a l'air super ce soft :)

Modifié par magnum_357, 28 janvier 2015 - 00:01.





                ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ                 (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

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Posté 28 janvier 2015 - 02:49




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merci sa a l'aire cool :)
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Posté 28 janvier 2015 - 12:32



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Merci pour l'info ! ;)
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Posté 29 janvier 2015 - 10:47




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et avec les DLC singstar, ca fonctionne ?
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