CFW Features of 4.66 HABIB v1.00:1. MADE OUT OF 4.66 OFW2. HAVE INSTALL PACKAGE FILES AND APP_HOME3. HAVE REACTPSN COMPATIBILITY4. PATCHED LV0 TO DISABLE ECDSA CHECKS5. PATCHED LV2 TO ADD PEEK/POKE SUPPORT6. PATCHED LV1 TO DISABLE LV2 PROTECTION7. PATCHED LV1 TO ADD PEEK/ POKE SUPPORT8. IT CAN RUN GAMES SIGNED WITH KEYS UP TO 4.669. CAN BE UPDATED OVER ANY CFW.10. CAN BE UPDATED OVER 3.55 OFW11. NOT ADDED NO BT/BD PATCHES12. RSOD BYPASS13. REACTPSN OFFLINE PATCH ADDED14. BETTER SYSTEM STABILITY15. REMOVED CINAVIA DRM FOR HDD CONTENT16. REMOVED CINAVIA FOR BDMV17. REMOVED CINAVIA FOR BDVD18. QA FLAG ENABLED BY DEFAULT IF PS3 WAS QA ON 3.5519. COBRA 7.03 ADDED20. INCREASED COBRA GAMES COMPATIBILITY21. SPECIAL PAYLOAD FOR COBRA TOGGLE IN LV222. ADDED NEW ODE PATCHES BY DEANKPS2 FOR BC AND SEMI-BC:Proper 4.66 emu with no bug like previous cobra firmwaresPS2 FOR NON-BC:Iso wireless sync supported, mount iso with multiman and run it through ps2 classic placeholder(redirection).if file /dev_hdd0/classic_ps2 present then redirection will be disabled and classics will run.NEW LV2 PAYLOAD:Improves non-cobra mode to full extent and improves apps supportCINAVIA:100% patched unlike current cfw released for 4.66So here we have a great fw.DONATE:Please do consider donations if you like my work smile.gif (www.paypal.com)P.S devs including @aldostools the stage2.bin location is changed.BTW:I dont give a **** if someone dont like my funny folders and im not going to re-make my payloads for just a folder name.
Update HABIB V1.01 Changelog:1. removed funny folder inside dev_flash which some devs didnt like(idk why)
2. ps3mapi support added!!!!!!!
3. kw stealth extension support added!!!!ps3mapi has great deal of functions which developers can now use, please see the stage2/main.c
Thanks to ps3mapi developer!!!!
you can now poke at any process at any location with new opcodes for syscall 8 more info:www.psx-place.com/forum/utilities/ps3-manager-api...
Read more at http://www.psx-place...s7K5UCcD5MPj.99
Modifié par tralala, 11 janvier 2015 - 07:44.