XMB MOD MANAGERPackage Manager XMB (3)Install Package Files (TRADITIONAL MODE)Package Manager (REBUG MODE)Manager Plus (XMBM+ MODE)When choosing betwen different modes besides changing the folder to install PKGs on the XMB also:Remove /app_home/PS3_GAME/ from XMBAdds "My Games" to XMBSort Alphabetically (A-Z and Z-A) Games, Homebrews on XMBXMB Manager Plus (XMBM+) v0.0.22.013 as "PKG Bubble" for XMBM+ ModeCOBRA CFWsEnable XMB InGame ScreenShot Feature (2)webMAN (1), (2)webMAN 1.30webMAN 1.30.29 MODNew íconsPriority Selectors XMB (3)ON, OFF for multiMAN/mmCM and IRISMAN as "PKG Bubble"Coldboots (3)COBRAPS3 (default)REBUGREBUG COBRAGameboots (3)ClassicCOBRANONE (default)REBUGWaves (3)Electric Blue PurpleElectric Green YellowGoldKamoNO WAVEsPS3 (default)PSPRainbowSmokeVerticZebraSupported CFWs:(1) REBUG REX COBRA 7.0.1(2) ROGERO, HABIB COBRA 7.0.0(3) ALL CFWs 4.21, 4.30, 4.41, 4.46, 4.50, 4.53, 4.55, 4.60, 4.65, 4.66