Save the downloaded file as: /dev_hdd0/game/BLES80608/USRDIR/SHOWTIME.SELF* Added: XMB videos and last folder visible in Showtime* Added: Return to multiMAN when using the EXIT icon in to top right corner of main Showtime InterfaceSince version 02.05.00 of multiMAN you can update your SHOWTIME within multiMAN, by going to XMMB Video tab -> Press [TRIANGLE] while "Start Showtime" is selected -> Update.You can also update your showtime.self by deleting it from multiMAN's USRDIR folder and play a video - you'll be prompted to download the updated version. Be advised that in multiMAN versions 04.00.00+ SHOWTIME.SELF is located under USRDIR/sys folder.NOTE FOR DEX PS3 USERS:** You have to install the official CEX/CFW standalone version of Showtime [DEX] BEFORE starting multiMAN DEX for the first time
Lien de téléchargement : SHOWTIME.SELF for multiMAN v4.09.021