Concernant le risque de brick de votre 3DS, si vous utilisez un clone, il y a fort à parier que cette mise à jour ne sera pas tout de suite disponible chez les concurrents. Reste à savoir si une autre team dévoilera bientôt ses propres recherches ou bien avec un peu de chance Smealum et son récent homebrew 3DS. En attendant les spéculations, voilà la vidéo.
Il n'y a pas de date de prévue pour le moment, ni d'information concernant un code malicieux qui brickerait les consoles utilisant un clone, mais cela ne devrait tarder.
Hello loyal Gateway 3DS fans! (you know who you are)
Today we will briefly take a break from our intense development cycles to present you with our latest progress on the MultiROM functionality for the Gateway 3DS 2.0 release. But first a few words from the team.
As you might have noticed, our milestones have been slipping a bit lately. The original release date for 2.0 was planned early january, but certain events have thrown a wrench into our schedule.
We are still investigating individual brick incidents reported by legitimate Gateway 3DS users. So far, many isolated brick incidents that were blamed on us have been debunked in one way or another and turned out to be associated with use of the clones modified versions of our official release files.
Now, without further ado; enjoy this quick teaser video of the upcoming Gateway 3DS ROM selection menu. As you might be able to tell we're doing our best to tightly integrate this with the existing system and make the task of switching to a different game a pleasant and fast experience for all Gateway users.