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Premier CFW avec les fonctionnalités du Cobra USB

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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 07:07




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Le site de Tortuga-cove, connu pour accueillir les développeurs comme Habib ou Rogero, vient de poster un article intéressant. En effet, un membre du développement de la partie software du Cobra USB vient de leur livrer une mise à jour personnelle intitulée Cobra 7.00. L’auteur de cette release voulait que le Cobra ne perde pas de sa noblesse et nous a donc concocté une release la plus stable possible.
L’archive comprend des fichiers qui peuvent être assimilés à un CFW 4.46 uniquement car les CFW 4.50 entraîneraient des bugs. Un CFW de Rogero 4.46 pré-patché est fourni dans l’archive. Nous pouvons donc maintenant profiter des fonctionnalités du Cobra USB sans dongle !

Nous vous conseillons d’installer ce CFW que si vous possédez un moyen de débricker votre console en cas d’incident.
Ne laissez pas de disque dans la console lors de la mise à jour. Pour cause, la PS3 va d'abord chercher la mise à jour sur le disque.
Mail de l'auteur et instructions :

COBRA 7.00
Hello, I'm Cobra USB main developer. First of all, this is an unofficial personal release from me, and not something from Team Cobra. Don't contact them for anything related with this release.
Second, no, no USB reqired, it can be used by anyone on any hackable ps3. That's why I called this mess of a release COBRA 7.00 and not Cobra USB 7.00.

Why this release?
Mainly because I can't stand things not done properly. The original source code of Cobra USB 5.X was released, and yes, all PS3 functionality is there, but also a lot of unnecesary things.
Had I been contacted before the release of the source code, I would have prepared something better.
And rather than seeing someone coming with a bad or incomplete release of a CFW or payload using the source, I prefer to lead the way with a first clean release. I don't think I will do any other.

Second, I wanted to have in a CFW both the functionality of Cobra and a regular CFW, and without that slow device delaying each lv2 boot by several seconds, which caused some side effects in version 6.00 (4.30) on pads, and that I had to fix with one of those ugly hacks/incomplete workarounds that I tend to hate.

Lastly, but no less, I was bored, lot of free time lately, that kills your brains...

What is not? COBRA 7.00 is not a CFW "per se".
COBRA 7.00 is a set of 7 files: lv2_kernel.self, ps2_emu.self, ps2_gxemu.self, ps2_netemu.self, stage2.bin, ps2hwemu_stage2.bin and ps2gxemu_stage2.bin, from those 7, the first 4 are mix of 4.46 CEX OFW files and COBRA code, the others being new and not present in OFW.

Those 7 files are expected to be mixed with existing regular 4.46 CEX based (totally CEX) CFW, to make a CFW that would mainly mix the functionality of both, except for any thing that the regular CFW may do in lv2_kernel.
About "theoretical" compatibility, check the readme in BIN/CFW_BUILDS. Theoretical because only one has been tested. This is, Rogero 4.46 1.00.
A sample PUP of mix of COBRA 7.00 and Rogero 4.46 1.00 is there as well. Mainly included for convenience, for having something end-user friendly.
This CFW has been tested by me on three very different models, a CECHA, a CECHC, and a SLIM.
But because it has only been tested by a single person, caution is to be expected. You are the only responsable of what you install in your machine.

Additionally, there are other parts, like netiso.sprx or cobralib, that are not technically part of COBRA 7.00. They are things expected to be used by managers.
No real change was done to them, just removed something unnecessary in netiso.

There are also some PC tools, the only one relevant to users being ps3netsrv, which has been updated with a new feature (see CHANGELOG).
Although there is no manager that uses that feature atm of writing this.

The source code of components is in SRC folder. The main components of Cobra expect the toolchain found at BSC page, with gcc 4.1.1. -> install all ppu* files for your architecture.

Extra things expect either Sony SDK or psl1ght.
PC tools expect gcc. Some of the tools may not compile under mingw32 or won't work in win32. Some tool could give compilation warnings in 32 bits systems, not compile or binary may not work, this wasn't tested. (watch out ps2netemu_gen446)

WHY 4.46 AND NOT 4.50

1) I had already most symbols from 4.46 from some time ago, lazyness.
2) Because there was no good reason to update to 4.50. COBRA does the sfo version patch and sdk version patch on RAM, games for 4.50 are expected to work without changes.
3) Because new versions of 4.46 CFW's are unlikely to appear, then current release would support almost all of them. Minimal modification on some files causes COBRA not to detect some modules, see the readme in BIN/CFW_BUILDS.
4) An OFW bug causes pad synchronization problems when playing PS2 games in CECHA/CECHB in 4.50. I didn't want this one to be endorsed to me.


Install a 4.46 CEX cfw mixed with the 7 files of COBRA 7.00.
A sample of a mix of Rogero 4.46 1.00 and Cobra is provided in BIN/CFW_BUILDS/
Check the txt there for compatibility with other cfw.

Install mmCM_04.18.pkg, which has been included here for convenience (it has only been repackaged to avoid version error with multiman).
This won't delete your current version of multiman (if any), it will instead add mmCM to it.
After installation of this package, multiman can run in two modes, "multiman" and "mmCM", by default it will run in "mmCM" mode under Cobra.
Check CHANGELOW below about how to force COBRA 7.00 to run multiman in "multiman mode", this only makes sense if you installed both, mutiman and mmCM.

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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 08:42




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Hum pas mal et merci pour la news
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 09:25



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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C'est a tester et merci pour la compatibilité accru des jeux PSP ;)
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 09:33




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Que de bonne nouvel sur la scène ps3 ;-)
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 09:44



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Merci pour cette news , un release sympa a testé

Mail: pour tout Hack dans la région du 76 ,27 envoi Postal possible

Montage SX core = "Switch FAT/ Mariko" | SX Lite = Switch Lite" | SwitchMe = Switch FAT V1

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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 10:20




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Super :) Mais ok profiter des fonctions du Cobra sans dongle , mais ayant une FAT 60 retro sous le vieux CFW 3.55 t dongle cobra , si je mets ce derniers mes jeux ps2 copiés marcheront toujours et ce sans le dongle ?
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 10:25



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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merci pour l'info..

Modification toutes consoles sur Marseille.
Responsable technique d'une chaine de magasins de jeux vidéo sur la région PACA.

Pour tout renseignement ici

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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 10:28




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Installation RGH, JTAG, XKey dans le 90,25 ,70

Envoi postale possible

Tel 06-49-54-96-76

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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 12:21




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C'est pas mal ça ! reste plus qu'à rogero de mettre à jour son cfw !
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 13:44




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merci pour la nouvel clup logiqic-sunrise.
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 13:50




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Salut tout le monde, super news si j'ais bien tout compris

j'ais une vieille FAT qui va ressortir du placard :)
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 14:18



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Super :) Mais ok profiter des fonctions du Cobra sans dongle , mais ayant une FAT 60 retro sous le vieux CFW 3.55 t dongle cobra , si je mets ce derniers mes jeux ps2 copiés marcheront toujours et ce sans le dongle ?

Teste et dit nous ;)
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 14:19




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Quelqu'un l'a testé?
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 15:25




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j'aimerais bien mais depuis le temps que je n'ais plus touche a cette console je suis un peu perdu...
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 15:52



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Perso j ai tester le lv2kernel.self de ce CFW sur le CFW rebug 4.46.01 et bien ça passe pour certaines options comme la capture d écran ou le lancement de mmCM 4.18.pkg ^^

Je continue mes tests ^^
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 16:42




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que peut apporter ce cfw,quels sont les avantages du cobra ODE?
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 16:45



    Sunriseur elite

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    Autres ;-)

Exemple, full discless compatible ;)

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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 18:00



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Exemple, full discless compatible ;)

Xa j'adore ;)

Et merci markus pour les tests ;)
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 19:12




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Que de bonnes nouvelles *o*
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Posté 03 novembre 2013 - 19:41




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Je vous news la version finale demain :

multiMAN ver 04.50.03 BASE CEX (20131103) is available for online update within mM::

* Added support for 4.50 DEX CFW
* Added support for 4.46 Cobra/Rogero CFW
* Added "Switch between mmCM and multiMAN" option in HOME column
* In Cobra/mmCM mode all functions are operational (tested)


I just installed the cobra+rogero.PUP and everything works great. In multiMAN's "Settings" there is a "Spoof" option, so I added 4.50 to it and now the 4.46 is spoofed to 4.50 properly. All ISO/network stuff works properly. You can switch between mmCM and multiMAN from the HOME column - it takes 2 seconds.

The only thing left to be done is support for network games in JB format, but that'll happen later today or tomorrow.

p.s. Thanks to the developer of cobra for releasing all that stuff and putting it in a nice PUP. Great work!


Nouvelle version :

multiMAN ver 04.50.04 BASE CEX DEX (20131103).zip (80.84MB)
Download multiMAN ver 04.50.04 BASE CEX DEX (20131103).zip from - send big files the easy way

* multiMAN ver 04.50.04 BASE CEX (20131103).pkg
* multiMAN ver 04.50.04 BASE DEX (20131103).pkg

* Added support for 4.50 DEX CFW
* Added support for 4.46 Cobra/Rogero CFW
* Added "Switch between mmCM and multiMAN" option in HOME column
* Added support for loading network games in JB/FOLDER format using ps3netsrv
* In Cobra/mmCM mode all functions are operational (tested)

To use network servers you must add them in mM/mmCM in Settings ("Network Servers") and have ps3netsrv running on your PC to share the drive/folder with your games/iso/videos/etc. (70.59KB)
Download from - send big files the easy way

* ps3netsrv.exe (windows)
* main.cpp+netiso.h (with my changes)

The changes are the same as before:

* Additional command ( /* Get complete directory contents */ NETISO_CMD_READ_DIR )
* Support for stat("/is_ps3_compat1/") to detect the version

You can compile it for other platforms by replacing these two files in the original distribution (main.cpp and netiso.h)

Je vous news tout ça au propre demain bonne soirée
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