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RGLoader 0v400 Beta (Reset Glitch Loader) support du kernel 16537

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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 12:30



    \0/ Shake it baby ! \0/

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La team RGLoader release la nouvelle version de leur nand builder, destiné aux consoles Jtaguées ou Glitchées, qui, contrairement à xebuild, ne permet pas de booter sur un Kernel retail (le dashboard de Microsoft classique), mais sur un Kernel Devkit.
Concrètement, à quoi ça sert : avec ceci, vous aurez donc la possibilité de transformer votre console retail en devkit et ainsi avoir accès aux fonctions de base des Devkit.

Changelog de cette version :

RGLoader 0v400 
\_Release Notes:_\\
A lot of people have thought that RGLoader has been dead/abandoned. Yeah, basically it's 
been dead for a while now mostly because Stoker has been gone for over a year so there was
only one real developer for RGLoader and real life stuff gets in the way. I've gotta put out 
a big thank you to sk1080 for releasing a usable version of RGLoader for 16202 while I've 
been gone. In either case, saying that RGLoader is dead really does not make a lot of sense
when we have tried to make it as open as possible without sharing code that was donated by
people who don't want it running out in the wild yet. RGBuild.exe is not obfuscated in any
way and can be completely decompiled to source with .net reflector. The patches are provided 
in plain text and compiled when you run the image which should allow anyone to be able to 
update them for a new kernel. All you would have to do is use the existing file structures 
as a guide to add support for a new update. This said, there is no reason that some random 
person would not be able to change RGBuild for their own purpose or for a new kernel. 
RGBuild++ was another project started by stoker and abandoned and left to me to finish, and
there's still quite a bit of work to be done on it before it's ready for a release. I felt 
bad releasing an update using the RGBuild everyone is familiar with when I have promised 
new features like jasper big block support. It's hard to devote the amount of time and effort
needed to finish something like this when the xbox scene is slowing down and interest in 
alternative nand builders is low. This doesn't mean that I haven't been updating RGLoader for
my own uses and adding features, it just means I didn't feel like putting in the effort to 
make it usable for the general public and releasing. 
I've seen a lot more activity in the #RGloader channel on EFNet and on the forum with 
people asking for a new update. I have no problem putting the work in when I know it's not 
going to waste, so these past couple weeks I have been porting some of the new features in 
RGBuild++ to this older builder just so you guys can enjoy what we have so far and run a much
more stable kernel.
I'd like to conclude with, don't be fooled and think that just because the builder looks 
the same that the xbox side hasn't changed. Please try out some of the new features added 
and PLEASE leave feedback in the shoutbox at with any problems or successes you
have had. This lets us know that there are still people out there that have use for a devkit
kernel on a retail xbox.
\_RGLoader NEW Features:_\\
-- Avatar File Installer --
Thanks to cOz and his badass system extended partition installer code, 
RGLoader.xex now supports creating and formatting the hard drive partitions 
for the avatar update files. Included in the hdd filesystem files is a $SystemUpdate
folder. If RGLoader detects that this folder exists, it will reinitialize the 
partitions and automatically copy the files to it. It usually requires a reboot 
after the installation for the avatars to start showing up in the dashboard.
-- HV Peek Poke --
A peek poking patch has been added to the hypervisor. It uses the same call format that
Freeboot uses with syscall0. 
-- RGLoader Plugin Loading --
Options have been added to RGLoader.ini for loading plugins in the same format that 
dashlaunch handles. They are essentially just system dlls so you can use them for 
whatever purpose you wish.
Plugin1 = Hdd:\Plugin1blah.xex
Plugin2 = 
Plugin3 = 
-- RGLP Loading at runtime --
Not really a new feature, but not many people knew about this before. During system 
initialization RGLoader.xex will scan the systemroot for any .rglp files and will apply
them to the kernel/xam/whatever the address is for. They are a standard patch format
[Addr][numberofpatches][startpatches..]. There is a file named rglXam.rglp in the 
hdd filesystems folder which you can open with a hex editor and use an example. This 
feature is useful for testing extra patches without having to completely reflash your 
nand image.
-- KDNet for Jtags --
KDNet is kernel debugging over lan. It is basically like 
xbwatson on crack. It shows post codes and runs even before 
xbdm.xex gets launched. This utility is extremely useful 
for debugging problems in the kernel, and also inserting 
breakpoints and debugging xex modules running on the system. 
Developers who create trainers and such will find this very useful. 
In the past, using xbsetcfg to setup KDNet for jtags would 
corrupt the nand image and brick the xbox because it overwrites 
important info where the jtag payload is stored. This issue 
has been fixed in RGLoader.
The most exciting thing about the latest RGBuild update is 
that when you build your nand image it detects the computers 
local IP address and sets up KDNet for the nand. This is very useful 
because if your xbox fails to boot or has problems, you do not need 
a uart cable or a post sniffer to figure out what the problem is. 
Simply hook your ethernet cable into your xbox and run KDNet and the 
problem will be obvious and easy to fix usually.
Make sure you have the SDK installed (xbox neighborhood) and run one 
of the provided bat files (KDNet_win7.bat / KDNet_win8.bat) and turn 
on your xbox.
-- Memory Protection Options --
In the past there have been problems when running certain utilities 
made for retail kernel on RGLoader, such as trainers for games. 
This was caused by the xex being compiled to use memcpy instead of DmSetMemory. 
A lot of trainers have already been updated to fix this issue, but there 
is now an option which will disable the memory protection in this 
devkit kernel in the same way it is disabled in retail. 
This fixes most problems with trainers and such.
In options.ini set NOMEMPROT = 1
-Added support for 16537
-Too many fixes to name for RGBuild.exe (much better corona support in image editing)
-Fixed JTAG KDNet support
-RGBuild now sets up KDNet in the nand image (no need for xbsetcfg)
-Fixed filesystem issues, can now insert payload anywhere in nand and filesystem will 
rearrange itself.
-Overall much more stable kernel patches
-Ability to disable memory protection
-Added plugin loading
-Will load ini from USB drive before hdd (useful if a plugin is crashing the system)


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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 12:37



    Sunriseur elite

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Merci pour la news

Modifié par Thomas56890, 28 octobre 2013 - 12:37.

1 XBOX1 200go, 1 XBOX 360 Slim Trinity RGH (CoolRunner Rev C+DNA+Xkey), 1 Wii 4.3 Flashé, 1 PSX avec Puce, 1 PS2 Slim FreeMCBoot et 1 PS3 CFW 4.70 Cobra 7.10 500go (Teensy++ 2.00 Permanent), 1 Nintendo, 1 Super Nintendo, 1 Nintendo 64, 1 Game Cube, 1 Wii U 32 Go et 1 Sega Dreamcast.

PC: MSI Z97 Gaming 5, CPU Intel I5 4690K OC 4.6Ghz, 16 Go DDR 3 2400 Mhz, SSD 480 Go, Nvidia GTX 1070, Alim Cooler Master 750W, Windows Pro x64. Joueur BF4, BF1 PC


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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 12:51



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    Mes 3 filles 11 ans et 6 ans 8 mois et notre Fils 5 ans
merci pour la news :)



 Xboxone X 1 to + 2 dd 8 To DD Externe --Ps5 Digital 2to  Ps4 Pro 1To 1 & Ps4 Slim 1To clear.pngclear.pngclear.png- Switch Atmopshere 1To switch.gif

Ps3 : Jaibreak  + Disque Dur Interne 1To 

Wii U Noir Firmware 5.5.1E avec Haxchi

- Wii Blanche+ Disque dur Externe 500Go

Console ancien Générations

Commodore 64 - Amiga  1000 - Atari - Amstrade - L'Odyssey - Super Nintendo - Megadrive 32 16 Bits - Dreamcast



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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 12:51



    Sunriseur avancé

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Il y a longtemps que je n'avais pas entendu parler de RGLoader, merci pour la news.

Modifié par djozii, 28 octobre 2013 - 12:52.

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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 12:53



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Yep sa fais un bail ;)


Installation Reset Glitch Hack, Xkey...sur l'île de France // Xbox slim NEUVE GLITCH en vente

Downgrade PS3 NOR/NAND, Cobra, 3K3Y!! // PS3 3.55, PS3 3K3Y,Cobra, SWAP DISC et autres en vente


Mes annonces Technicien :  

Xbox PS3 Feedback

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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 13:05



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J'ai jamais testé une nand devkit, faudrait que j'y jette un coup d'oeil pour voir à quoi cela ressemble !
Merci pour l'info artik !



C'est ici pour plus de renseignement

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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 13:09




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Merci pour la news , ça fait un moment qu'il n'y avais pas eut de vert :D

Mais concrètement on peux faire quoi de plus en devkit?

Wii 4.3E hacké avec pimp my wii
Xbox 360 flashé LT3.0 + RGH2
Ps3 slim 500gb cfw rebug 4.46.1 rex
Psp 3004 lcfw 6.60 pro B10

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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 13:23




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C'est pour les développeurs.
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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 13:25




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Oui ça je me doute , mais ça permet de faire quoi?

Wii 4.3E hacké avec pimp my wii
Xbox 360 flashé LT3.0 + RGH2
Ps3 slim 500gb cfw rebug 4.46.1 rex
Psp 3004 lcfw 6.60 pro B10

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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 13:43




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ça permet de débugger ! Je suppose que sans devkit, en cas de bug ça plante et le dév n'a aucune info.

Avec la devkit il a des précisions, je sais pas exactement lesquelles. Call stack ? Nom de l'exception ? Etat des variables ? Numéro de ligne incriminé ?

Bref si tu comptes développer sur 360 t'en auras besoin, sinon passe ton chemin. À moins que tu souhaites jouer à Dosbox avec la souris, mais bon passer sa nand en devkit juste pour ça...
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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 13:47




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Ah non je pense pas développer , je voulais juste savoir par curiosité , car j'arrivai pas comprendre à quoi ça sert , maintenant j'y vois plus clair merci

Wii 4.3E hacké avec pimp my wii
Xbox 360 flashé LT3.0 + RGH2
Ps3 slim 500gb cfw rebug 4.46.1 rex
Psp 3004 lcfw 6.60 pro B10

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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 15:02




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enfin on pourra downgrader pour passer en rgh1!!
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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 15:07




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enfin on pourra downgrader pour passer en rgh1!!

Tu vois sa où !?


Tu t'es tromper ;)

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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 15:37

Joris 73

Joris 73

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Le kernel 16537 dispo pour le rgloader, mais toujours pas pour les xdk officiel :'(
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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 20:11



    Sunriseur avancé

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Lol Joris, pour l'officiel ils attendent que la team RGL peaufine tous les bugs de MS ^^

Modification consoles sur 54 / 57 / 88 :


    PS3 : : http://www.logic-sun...-les-nancy.html

XBOX :   http://www.logic-sun...-les-nancy.html

     Wii :   http://www.logic-sun...-les-nancy.html

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Posté 28 octobre 2013 - 22:53



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Modification toutes consoles sur Marseille.
Responsable technique d'une chaine de magasins de jeux vidéo sur la région PACA.

Pour tout renseignement ici

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Posté 29 octobre 2013 - 06:57



    Sunriseur avancé

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Installation du RGH3 sur xbox 360

Pose du picofly sur Nintendo switch
Je me situe dans le 17
Envoi postal accepté
TPH 0650151322 - MAIL

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Posté 29 octobre 2013 - 10:16



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Merci :)

Modification Xbox 360 et Wii sur Bordeaux, en plein centre ville.

Travail réalisé sous vos yeux, répond à toutes vos questions.

Xbox 360 : Flash tous lecteurs, Xkey, Glich, Réparations : mon annonce ici

Wii : Hack software : mon annonce ici

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Posté 29 octobre 2013 - 16:17



    Sunriseur elite

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Thanks pour la news :)
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Posté 29 octobre 2013 - 20:21



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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enfin on pourra downgrader pour passer en rgh1!!

Tu vois sa où !?
Tu t'es tromper ;)

J'ai cru voir une lueur d'espoir :(
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