La team Cobra ne s'arrête plus et propose à nouveau une mise à jour pour son Cobra ODE. En version 1.2, cette version corrige un souci de reconnaissance de certains disques formatés en NTFS. Changelog de cette nouvelle version :
* Added support for NTFS drives with 2048 and more than 4096 cluster sizes
* Added COBRA.NFO file to /dev_bdvd/COBRA directory containing firmware version
- Cobra ODE disponible sur le LSstore à cette adresse
- Accéder au tutoriel : Cobra ODE : installation sur PS3 Fat (version PATA)
- Accéder au tutoriel : Cobra ODE : installation sur PS3 Fat (version SATA)
- Accéder au tutoriel : Cobra ODE : installation sur PS3 Slim (2k)
- Accéder au tutoriel : Cobra ODE : installation sur PS3 SuperSlim
- Accéder au tutoriel : Cobra ODE : configuration et lancement d'une ISO
Message complet de la team :
We are releasing another update today to the COBRA ODE firmware as well as an updated manager and 3rd party integration library.
The problem reported earlier about the ODE not recognizing some NTFS drives was actually caused by drives using the non default cluster size. We have updated the user manual to specify that we recommend 4096 allocation unit size. Also, with this update, the ODE will now support drives with a cluster size of 2048, 4096 and anything above that. We have also added another new feature. Now our manager reports the ODE MCU firmware version. The COBRA manager will now print the version of the COBRA ODE firmware. An update to the third party integration library will allow third party managers to display this information.