Pour l'utiliser il suffit de placer une iso nommée psp.iso à la racine de votre dossier extrait sur votre console. Un GUI pour choisir vos ISO va venir par la suite, c'est une toute première alpha.
PPSSPP 0.91 Alpha version
Proof of concept.
Based on PPSSPP 0.91.
put a psp iso name psp.iso is the same directory as default.xex
What have been done:
Fast ppc jit (Can be used in wii/wiiu/ps3). Give a 10x to 20x speedup !
DirectX9 backend (Can be ported to Win dows), miss some lights and framebuffer effects.
What need to be done next:
Finish the ppc jit, 70/80% of the opcode are recompiled, need slow memory paths.
Finish the DirectX9 Backend. Fix framebuffers, lights issues.
Port FFMpeg for sound and video playback.
Port the Atrac3+
Add a gui
Know bugs:
Jit doesn’t work in real devkit.
In some games can’t go in game because of missing video/sound playback => use a save games.
Some games are slow (Monster hunter 2) set VertexCache = true to give a big speed up ! Use this with caution! 360 have few memory !
Random crashes => Can be fixed by using setting Jit = false and FastMemory = false, but it will slowdown as hell !
Lighting issues on Ridger Racer.
Framebuffer issues.
Want to helps ?
This projects is really big, if you have any skills and want to help you are welcome !
No need for help for testing game, I don’t care about this really at this moment, if it doesn’t work yet, wait for the next version.
I need a real devkit.
Donate at https://www.paypal.c...G.gif:NonHosted
Ced2911: PPC Jit, DirectX9 Backend, Xbox360 Port, Endian fixes
PPSSPP authors for the great emulators, help and idea !
Source code:
Based on 1b9cf8a