Bientôt sur le marché, la team E3 donne quelques nouvelles sur son nouveau produit, l'E3 ODE. Ce n'est plus un, mais deux émulateurs qui seront donc disponibles pour vos PS3 : l'E3 ODE et l'E3 ODE PRO. La version normale devrait se situer aux alentours des 69$ et la version pro 79$. Restons prudents quant aux remarques faites par la team 3k3y au sujet des teams E3 et Cobra.
Enfin, la team nous apprend qu'un redémarrage de la console est nécessaire à chaque lancement ou changement de jeu, et qu'un CD de boot sera indispensable. Ces trois derniers points sont identiques aux autres ODE. La version PRO, en revanche, ne nécessite aucun redémarrage entre chaque changement de jeu, nouveau ou ancien : c'est donc une exclu de la team E3.
1: E3 ODE
- Support all PS3, include 3K and 4K version .
- Support for running HOMEBREW and E3 ODE CFW on unbreakable OFW, include 3K and 4K console .
- Easy upgradable mode, allow user update E3 ODE new function easily.
- Support BD movie, PS1/PS2 game (In a future update)
- Need boot disc to run game(same as other ODE )
- Need restart PS3 before running game every time (same as other ODE)
- Need restart PS3 if switch to a new game every time (same as other ODE)
Official suggested retail price : USD $69.80
The E3 ODE PRO uses the very latest in unique technology designed by E3-TEAM to allow users to play all game without restart PS3.
Compared with other existing ODE's on the market, the E3 ODE PRO enhances the excitement of being able to play a game right away, as it reduces the frequency of restarting your PS3 console, which overall protects the lifespan of your PS3.
- Select and play ,no need restart PS3 to run game, protected the life of your PS3 effectively
- Select and switch, no need restart PS3 to switch a new game, protected the life of your PS3 effectively
- Other function is same as E3 ODE :
- Support all PS3, include 3K and 4K version .
- Support for running HOMEBREW and E3 ODE CFW on unbreakable OFW, include 3K and 4K console .
- Easy upgradable mode, allow user update E3 ODE new function easily.
- Support BD movie, PS1/PS2 game (In a future update)
- Need boot disc to run game (same as other ODE)
Because of additional hardware, the official retail price of E3 ODE PRO is USD $79.80