Récemment actif dans sur la scène PS3, Swizzy s'allie à Rogero pour nous proposer un nouvel outil PS3 : PS3 Flash Tool. Ce dernier est un mélange de deux autres logiciels connus : "PS3 Dump checker" et "PS3 Flash Auto Patcher". Maintenant réuni, il permet la vérification des parties vitales du code, et le patch de l'image Nor/Nand.
Pour l'utiliser, Faite un Drag and Drop de votre image directement sur le .exe
How to use:
Drag and Drop any PS3 Nor or Interleaved NAND Dump onto the “PS3_Flash_Tool_v1.0.exe”
it will verify the dump, detects its type and patch it accordingly with Rogero CEX_4.46 patches, all this in less then 2 seconds.
v 1.00 (initial release)
Merged Swizzy’s PS3DumpChecker Tool with Rogero’s AutoPatcher v4.46
Both NOR and Nand (Interleaved) Flash Dumps are supported.
Compatible with Win7/8 and windows XP.
Easy operation, just Drag and Drop the Dump over “PS3_Flash_Tool_v1.0.exe”.
The dump will be checked to verify all sections are valid.
When a Dump is checked and found Valid it will Proceed to Patch it.
it have 2 operation Modes: Auto and Normal (can be toggled with included Registry Files).
Auto Mode : will check the dump and if found valid it will patch it automatically (all in less then 2 seconds).
Normal Mode : will check the dump and if found valid it will ask if you want to patch it.