Best Answer megaoctet, 09 June 2013 - 16:20
dans les options de dashlaunch y en a pour le live et profil.
14699+ has native http functions, but you are forced to be logged into use them
; this patch removes that restriction, set to false to disable it if you have any problems
; if not set this value will be TRUE
xhttp = true
when set to TRUE various functions will be spoofed to make firmware think it's connected to LIVE
; this does not compensate for the fact that it cannot contact LIVE servers
; setting this to TRUE forces liveblock to TRUE
; if not set this value will be FALSE
fakelive = false
shen true dash launch will automatically enable fakelive functionality only during official dash and indie play sessions
; if not set this value will be FALSE
autofake = false
As tu essayé en deconnectant le cable reseau de la xbox?
Le live est il bloqué au niveau de dashlaunch ?
; if set to true, this will block the console from resolving LIVE related dns
; if not set this value will be TRUE
liveblock = true