La team Xecuter continue de son côté ses recherches sur le hack de la xbox 360. Sa dernière trouvaille, le PCB de remplacement pour Liteon DG-16D5S et Hitachi DL10N. Derrière sa secrète recherche, ce LTU vous permettra donc de remplacer tout le PCB de vos lecteurs. Pas encore d'information sur le prix ou la dispo, mais la team promet un nouveau teaser très rapidement.
After many weeks of design and testing we have finally finished the design for the very secret LTU2 hardware
You may have noticed that the 1175 PCB were very rare and very expensive if you managed to get one due to the chipset being super rare and of course super expensive (we still say if you find anywhere that has stock of the LTU PCB's, grab them as they are now rare and not possible to make any more)
Others tried to find solutions which turned out to be shockingly bad design and just as expensive if not more so.
Can you say brand new chipset, tons and tons of available stock, MUCH cheaper cost, new firmware…..?
We've also made designs for both the Liteon DG-16D5S & Hitachi DL10N chassis
As usual this is a teaser – more news coming soon