Iris Manager se rapproche toujours plus de son principal concurrent, le célèbre MultiMan. S'il est vrai que ce dernier propose de nombreuses fonctionnalités, des personnes le trouvent beaucoup trop lourd à utiliser pour au final lancer simplement des jeux. C'est donc là qu'Iris Manager retrouve tout son intérêt. Même s'il n'a pas à rougir, il propose tout de même nettement moins d'options lui permettant ainsi d'être relativement simple à utiliser. Cependant, Estwald (Hermes), D_Skywalk et Miralatijera, les développeurs d'Iris Manager, le mettent à jour régulièrement pour apporter son lot de corrections de bugs ou encore de fonctionnalités.
Au menu des nouveautés, on retrouve une amélioration de l'explorateur de fichiers, l'ajout d'un nouveau mode disc-less, l'implantation d'une procédure pour écrire dans la HTAB (hashed page table) et ainsi réaliser plus d'opérations sur le LV2... et bien d'autres choses !
**MAJ 23/04/13** : Une nouvelle version vient d'être mise en ligne : Iris Manager 2.36P. Le support en phase de test de la langue persane et l'amélioration du mode disc-less sont les principales nouveautés.
Changelog :
1) Added persian language only in main menu in test phase (NOTE: It is possible persian language it no good translated: it is released only for test purpose and to provide a line to work for others person with the source code. Thanks to Reza684 to aid for this support)- language.ini support now REVERSE = ON token for Persian/Arabic languages written left to right to be displayed rgiht to left. English words (ASCII characters) are not order reversed, so if Arabic/Persian phrase is written as "HELLO [fed] [cba]" it is displayed as "[abc] [def] HELLO"- The sign "-" is used to don't reverse one phrase: TOKEN = -Display this left to rightNOTE: System dialog don´t support correctly the UTF8 charset and add one space before of one Persian/Arabic character in my system. Because this problem and others problems derivated from left to right western writing, Persian support is only partial2) Added a new function for "Disc Less Payload" mode to support automatic VSH event from different CFW of 4.31CEX or 4.40CEX.- It works as follow: when you plug an USB massive storage from Iris Manager, it show one screen and record the event ID for future use. So, more later, you can mount the fake disc with an USB device plugin or without one, pressing "PS" button from Iris Manager before to launch a game (when it shows XMB, you cause the necessary event)NOTE ABOUT IRIS MANAGER AND ME: remember you Iris Manager is open source: you can modify it and start other different project based in this source code (if you are thinking in other different GUI, etc) or contribute with languages translation, etc.For me it is not easy to write in english (reason because i don´t participate in english forums, for example), but under my point of view, I am donate my work to the community and I am tried to bring all my ideas and knowledge acquired (working too much) triying provide to others all these things in easy form: If other people want a different application, they can do it using existing code without any problem, but Iris Manager is "AS IS" and I don´t have obligation to change a comma to satisfy some users, because it is not my job and I have release the source code (complete source code) and necessary tools to compile it in github thinking in others developers with different ideas.Greets.- Estwald -