xeBuild 1.07
xeBuild is a command line system image builder for JTAG, glitch, and clean images.
Run the xeBuild program with no (or incorrect) args to see it's useage info.
What's New:
- minor bug fixes
- add 16203
Current Limitations:
- STAY THE HELL OFF LIVE! Nuff said, we're not you're mum.
How To Use:
- See individual folders for lists of files to provide
- if desired provide replacement cpu and 1bl keys in text files
- open a command window in the xeBuild directory
- on the command line type, for example:
example - if you provided keys in appropriate text files
xeBuild.exe -t glitch -c falcon -d myfalcon myfalconout.bin
-t glitch = build a glitch type image
-c falcon = use falcon bl and patch set
-d myfalcon = a folder is present called "myfalcon" with per machine files, this uses it
myfalconout.bin = the file that will be produced
- type xeBuild.exe -? for command line info
-take original console dump, put it in mytrinity folder as nanddump.bin
-set CPU key and 1BL key in ini file, verify LDV from nanddump.bin matches console fuses
if not set cfldv in ini file
-build (xeBuild.exe -t glitch -d mytrinity -f 13599), flash and hopefully life is good
.ini files:
Just a word on the format... the ini parser is not very robust, the files need
to be plain ASCII, everything after a ; on a line is ignored, and spaces are
not acceptable (they get removed).
Things like CPU key and 1BL key, if present in the per box ini file need not be
placed anywhere else.
Optional Patches:
Various optional patches are included for use with the -a option, they are:
nofcrt - removes fcrt.bin requirement on some drives
nohdd - disables detection of internal SATA HDD
nohdmiwait - HDMI consoles will no longer wait or EXX screen when video is not ready
nomu - disables detection of jasper big block NAND mu
notrinmu - disables detection of trinity 4G internal USB module
controller config can result in problems remapping bad blocks (even manually.)
If you have a 16M jasper, an additional build type has been added
'jaspersb', by default the image will be built for jasper with big block
controller (config 00023010), use this alternate switch to build for small
block controller (config 01198010.)
Multi build/options example:
when you specify -f 13599 on the command line:
is parsed instead of data\filelist.ini
Also the bin directory is used from
instead of
allowing anyone to create multiple builds without multiple instances or
rebuilds/hex edits/hacks of the main app.
The example provided is the last version of 13599 patch set from dash launch and
other files to build freeboot 13599
example use:
xeBuild -f 13599 -d myfalcon x13599out.bin
-f 13599 : use .\13599\filelist.ini, and .\13599\ for firmware files, .\13599\bin\ for patches
-d myfalcon : use .\myfalcon for per build files (cpu key, keyvault, security files, ini etc.)
x13599out.bin: override auto generated name and produce .\x13599out.bin as the final NAND image
note, if -d ***** is not specified it will still use the original /data and /bin dirs
Devkit image building:
This feature is currently considered Beta/Work In Progess.
A new image target type was added, "-t devkit" which builds 64M flash images for devkits. Currently untested,
building with a 00 filled CPU key will create a zeropaired devkit image that may allow one to boot a software
bricked devkit that one does not know the CPU key for and recover it to an operational state. By powering on
the console with such an image present, with a recovery DVD in the drive, the recovery software should be able
to create a new keyvault, re-pair the DVD drive to the new keyvault, and allow normal operation once complete.
Normal devkit image building when one does know their CPU key and thus has security files and keyvault should
work as expected.
Building devkit for glitch/jtag is also possible using the standard -t glitch/jtag methods. Sample ini
have been provided with this release, but will not work unless patches and files are supplied. Note that devkit
is not our focus, but was relatively easy and straight forward option to supply for those that wish to make
use of it.
Those who use large block NAND are now able to nearly double the size of the system file area
with this option with no apparent ill effects. Normally this option wouldn't be needed, but if one
wanted to experiment with more files in flash, or one was building a devkit image for a devkit with
a big block flash, this option is required.
If you've found a bug or have a suggestion, please comment at
http://www.realmodsc...rum/15-xebuild/ (english)
http://homebrew-conn...x.php?board=8.0 (english/french)
Without ikari this would not have been possible, thanks!
__ ____ ___ ___ _____
/ _|_ __ ___ ___| __ ) / _ \ / _ \_ _|
| |_| '__/ _ \/ _ \ _ \| | | | | | || |
| _| | | __/ __/ |_) | |_| | |_| || |
|_| |_| \___|\___|____/ \___/ \___/ |_|
[v0.08 - inspired by ikari]
No this isn't freeboot, it is a clone and has always been since the last
release of ibuild.
Thanks and greetz to everyone who has contributed to hacking this
wonderful machine. Thanks to the engineers and countless others who made
the machine what it is... we only wish they had listened and RROD was
not a problem. If we were to list everyone here, there would be no time
left to play on the machine!
Thanks Team Xecuter for the Corona 4G! Thanks to JuggaHax, dayton360mods,
glitch360team and all other contributors for helping find a way to make Corona 4G golden!
Thanks to Free60, LibXenon.org, Redline99 and Tuxuser for providing xell builds <3
Thanks to Swizzy for making the official GUI front end for xeBuild, for always
adding the new stuff we shovel at him and never once complaining.
Big thanks to the folks at #freeboot on efnet for the tireless
hours of help you all give freely. Thanks to the testers who tirelessly
made sure stuff worked. Thanks to rgloader for doing the work yourselves,
there *is* no spoon, just a glitch in the matrix.
Don't believe what random people *cough* write on forums ..
XeBuild 1.07 : support de la mise a jour 16203
Posté 23 février 2013 - 08:46
Posté 23 février 2013 - 09:09
Posté 23 février 2013 - 09:14
Posté 23 février 2013 - 09:25
Posté 23 février 2013 - 09:31
This morning, Microsoft has begun rolling out a new SystemUpdate that brings the Xbox 360 dashboard/kernel version to 2.0.16203.0.
Although there has been no official word from Microsoft yet, it's likely this update addresses a minor issue or small change as evidenced by the single digit increment in version number over the last update.
After updating, LT+ v3.0 and LTU v1.2 continue to work fine with backups both offline and on Xbox LIVE. Xk3y also continues to function without issue on LIVE and offline.
Check back here on c4evaSpeaks.com for official word from c4eva once he's done a LIVE log for this update.
P.S. Quit being such gullible fools and regurgitating the nonsense from Wikipedia every time an update comes out.
- dark alexo aime ceci
Posté 23 février 2013 - 09:47
retail 16203, glitch 16203, dashlaunch 3.07 RAS pour le moment
merci pour la rapidité et le serieux de tous ces dev..
Modifié par megaoctet, 23 février 2013 - 09:47.
Posté 23 février 2013 - 09:51
Modifié par bidou67000, 23 février 2013 - 09:52.
Posté 23 février 2013 - 09:59
Posté 23 février 2013 - 10:12
le jeu reste toujour fonctionnel .......
Modifié par anubis50, 23 février 2013 - 10:13.
Flash tout lecteurs xbox360 (sauf liteon 1175 et hitachi 0500/0502 ) dans le 50 a mon domicile ou par correspondance.
Pose le glitch sur Slim .
Posté 23 février 2013 - 10:31
Modification Xbox 360 et Wii sur Bordeaux, en plein centre ville.
Travail réalisé sous vos yeux, répond à toutes vos questions.
Xbox 360 : Flash tous lecteurs, Xkey, Glich, Réparations : mon annonce ici
Wii : Hack software : mon annonce ici
Posté 23 février 2013 - 10:35
trop dangereux de mettre en 16203 apres les nouveaux jeux vont plus marcher comme gear of war le dernier , surtout si ils ont mis une protection dans cette mise a jour on sait jamais et que ça touche le glitch ?il y aucun souci avec cette maj .....et puis regarde le nombre de personnes qui ont fait cette maj sur leurs bobox flashees et jouer par la meme occasion a Gear Of War: Judgment ........
le jeu reste toujour fonctionnel .......
ok moi j'avais pas vu de gens en 16203 en glitch lors de l'article de la sortie 16203 que gear marchait ?? , sur des flash peux etre mais la ont en sait rien le tool viens juste d'etre mis a jour et a disposition pour les glitch/jtag donc mieux vaux attendre les retours pour etre sure , sur glitch/jtag
Posté 23 février 2013 - 10:44
Modifié par bidou67000, 23 février 2013 - 10:55.
Posté 23 février 2013 - 11:25
Modification/Réparation dans le 59
[Softmod Xbox] [Hack Jtag/Puce Glitch/Xkey Xbox 360]
[Puce PS1][Softmod PS2] [Jailbreak/CFW/ODE PS3]
[Sofmod Wii/Wii U] [Config Retrogaming PC/Raspberry]
Posté 23 février 2013 - 11:27
MAJ : Xell toujours ok sur corona v3 (hdmi)
Nand faite avec j runner dans les deux cas...
Modifié par megaoctet, 23 février 2013 - 11:42.
Posté 23 février 2013 - 11:41
Posté 23 février 2013 - 12:03
Merci pour la MAJ.
Posté 23 février 2013 - 12:20
"- STAY THE HELL OFF LIVE! Nuff said, we're not you're mum." Bientot culte ^^
J'ai adoré.
Posté 23 février 2013 - 13:08
Posté 23 février 2013 - 13:35
A quand la version GUI ?Elle est déjà dispo, juste pas encore newsé sur LS
Ok merci
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