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FB Alpha RL (Retro Loader) v1.01a Beta pour CFW 3.40 / 3.55 / 4.XX

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Posté 15 février 2013 - 11:06



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CaptainCPS-X, très connu pour sa version de Final Burn Alpha, a décidé de se pencher sur la version PS3 du célèbre émulateur, dont il fait partie de la team officielle. Après avoir pris pour base RetroArch PS3, FB Alpha RL est maintenant un émulateur à part. Son but est d'apporter une expérience aussi bonne de Final Burn Alpha, mais sur la console de Sony.

Pour rappel, FBA est un émulateur arcade Capcom (CPS1, 2 et 3, Neo Geo, etc etc). Le pack de rom complet se trouve à cette adresse : http://www.pleasured...b364842e1719606

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What is FB Alpha?:

FB Alpha is an arcade emulator supporting the following platforms;

- Capcom CPS-1
- Capcom CPS-2
- Capcom CPS-3
- Cave
- Data East DEC-0, DEC-8 and DECO IC16 based games
- Galaxian based hardware
- Irem M62, M63, M72, M90 and M92 hardware
- Kaneko 16
- Konami
- Neo-Geo
- Pacman based hardware
- Psikyo 68EC020 and SH-2 based hardware
- Sega System 1, System 16 (and similar), System 18, X-Board and Y-Board
- Toaplan 1
- Toaplan 2
- Taito F2, X, Z and others
- Miscellaneous drivers for lots of other hardware

FB Alpha also has a WIP console drivers for Sega Megadrive/Genesis
and also PC-Engine/TurboGrafx 16/SuperGrafx.

FB Alpha (for Windows), can currently be obtained from

What is FB Alpha Retro Loader ?

FB Alpha RL is a PS3 homebrew application coded from scratch,
and not based in any other public source code by other
developers. It is a result of many hours of dedication
and research.

It is in no way a dirty hack of RetroArch or something
similar. By the contrary, FB Alpha RL serves as a independent
frontend to RetroArch and provides features not incorporated
in it.

I did had to make a modified RetroArch core to be included
along my application, so it could process the arguments
or new commands that FB Alpha RL will be sending to it.

Objective of FB Alpha RL (Retro Loader):

As a dev from the official FB Alpha Team,
FB Alpha RL was made with a objective in mind, to
keep the original experience from the official
FB Alpha (for Windows OS) on the PS3 system.

Please, read the technical info for more details.

Technical Info:

Signed for CFW 3.40 / 4.XX (should work for everyone).
Tested @ 1080p / 720p / 480p resolution via HDMI.

FB Alpha RL uses a custom "burn_drivers.h" header file
that was generated by modifying the official windows
version of FB Alpha with a routine to generate such
file on launch.

The header have a big structure with all the information
for all supported drivers in FB Alpha v0.2.97.28.
Information such as:

- Romset Name (Ex. kof2002)
- Parent ROM (Ex. sf2)
- Year
- Manufacturer (Ex. Capcom)
- System (Ex. Neo Geo)
- Max players
- Game Screen Resolution
- Game Screen Aspect Ratio

Future release will have a custom generated header with
all the ROM information as well, so the application will
be able to verify every romset with precise CRC32 checks
(as in the official FB Alpha for Windows).

NOTE: You don't need the official RetroArch installed,
this already has my own modified build incorporated
into FB Alpha RL installation directory. So you can safely
install the official RetroArch and it won't interfere.


- Use UP / DOWN to navigate Game List.
- Use Left Analog UP / DOWN to navigate Game List.
- Press L1 / R1 to toggle game system filter.
- Press L2 / R2 for quick Game List navigation.
- Press [ ] to view ZIP information.
- Press /\ to view ROM Information.
- Press to Load the selected Game.
- Press [SELECT] to return to Main Menu.
- Press [START] to Rescan ROM(s).


- ROMs paths directory browser.
- Input Preset CFG file browser.
- Game List cache feature.
- Missing games listing.
- Alternate key combo to access RetroArch core menu.
- 1080p / 720p / 480p display modes supported.
- Game Preview display feature (hover a game to see its preview).
- Game System Filtering for easier game selection.
- Custom Game System Filtering available in the options menu.
- Auto configure screen Aspect Ratio on game load.
- Quick ROM(s) scanning / re-scanning in extensive path locations.
- Romset validation against FB Alpha v0.2.97.28 drivers library.
- Checking for duplicate ROM(s).
- Detailed info about listed ROM(s).
- ZIP Content Information display.
- Full game name display for easier navigation.
- Game Information (Year, Company, etc...).
- Direct loading of ROM(s).
- Support for Screenshots (press and look in XMB photo column).
- GUI based on OpenGL / PSGL textures (Thanks to Squarepusher / Twinaphex for the tips).
- more...(read the change logs for more features)

WIP / Coming on future releases:

- Display Extended ROM information by pressing .
- MAME history DAT parsing support.
- Title / Flyers image display feature.


1.01 (February 15, 2013) (BETA)

- Added information text display for selected options.
- Added ROMs path directory browser.
- Added Input Preset CFG file browser.
- Added confirmation dialog when exiting FB Alpha RL.
- Added feature to display Missing Games.
- Added Game List Cache feature to avoid having to rescan
ROMs every time FB Alpha RL is launched.
- Added option to use alternate key combo to access
RetroArch core menu, Main Menu(SELECT + TRIANGLE) and In-Game Menu (SELECT + SQUARE).
- Updated + Modded latest RetroArch commits (Feb 10, 2013)
- Updated fba-libretro core with latest commits (Feb 10, 2013)
- Added Custom System Filter (go to options and select the
systems to filter in that category).
- Added support for 1080p / 720p / 480p display modes (all tested).
- Added Game Preview display feature (hover a game to see its preview).
- Included most game previews with package (thanks to Sturn and JacKc @ NeoSource forums)
- Added new Options Menu.
- Added module to save / read settings to "FBA_RL.ini".
- Added Option to configure 12 custom directories to scan for
ROMs, you decide where you want FB Alpha RL to look for ROMs .
- Added Option to set / change Input presets for all systems, you just
need to do this once.
- Added Option to Automatically Create basic Input preset configurations
for all supported systems.
- Added Option to enable / disable Auto Aspect Ratio selection on game launch.
- Added Game System Filter (Press L1 / R1 to toggle game system filters).
- Added ROM(s) re-scanning module (Press [START] to re-scan ROM(s)).
- Rewrote FB Alpha RL to make better use of PSGL, now it
supports a better GUI based on texture rendering
(Thanks to Squarepusher/Twinaphex for the tips).
- FB Alpha RL will check for important directories needed
by RetroArch on launch, and will create them as needed.
If you have the official RetroArch installed and it have
missing directories as well for some reason, they will be
created to make sure everything work fine.
- Incremented number of displayed games.
- Added quick list navigation by pressing L2 / R2.
- Added Analog Stick support to navigate lists.
- Added Main menu with various useful items.
- Added ZIP Info feature (press [ ] to view ZIP info).
- Updated FB Alpha (libretro) core.
- (FBA core) Fixed graphic problems in CPS-1 driver.
- (FBA core) Fixed Diagnostic Menu Lock-up in some games.
- Added Screenshot feature (press and look in Photo XMB column).
- Improved application core overall and fixed some bugs.
- FB Alpha RL will not process WIP drivers from now on
until compatibility is better(Megadrive, PCE, SNES).

1.00 (January 30, 2013)

- Initial Release

Thanks to:

- My buddies Treble Winner (Barry) / Kev / IQ_132 from the original FB Alpha Team <3.
- Thanks to Sturn and JacKc for the preview images @ NeoSource (NeoSource-The Official FBA Forums! - Index)
- PS3 Scene websites (in no order) such as: PS3HAX / PSX-Scene / PS3Crunch / Etc, for you support
- TheMaister / Twinaphex / Squarepusher / Company - Libretro/RetroArch is just amazing.
- pete_uk - for your unofficial RetroArch builds.
- STLcardsWS - for your support
- aldostools - your ps3tools for windows are the best =)
- deank - multiMAN helped me research / debug my application
- fail0verfl0w, GeoHot, etc - for all you have done for the PS3 scene
- Annonymous - for releasing Sony SDKs

Thanks to anyone else I forgot that in some way contributed
to the PS3 scene and as a result I was able to do this
homebrew application.

Known Issues:

- Directory / CFG file browser doesn't list other devices, just "dev_hdd0", you can configure paths manually on the FBA_RL.ini for other devices until this is fixed.

- ROM rescan (pressing START on the game list) is not working fine.

UPDATE 1: In this current release missing games cannot be hidden, I will work on that soon, my bad. I will release a small update later with these known issues resolved.

UPDATE 2: Good news! USB Storage Devices are correctly scanned now, and I fixed the problem with the ROMs rescanning via START button. I just have to add a feature / option to disable the display of missing ROMs. This will be available as a small update patch later (v1.01a)

UPDATE 3: FB Alpha RL v1.01a is available with the following changes / fixes:

1.01a (February 15, 2013)(UPDATE)

- Added option to Enable / Disable display if missing games.
- Fixed USB Storage Device scanning, now they will be
displayed correctly on the Directory / CFG file browser.
- Fixed issue with ROMs rescan, now it will work
fine by pressing START button on the Game List.

Source Code:

NOTE: Source has not been posted on GitHub yet, but in the upcoming days I will release it as well.

- FB Alpha RL -


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Posté 15 février 2013 - 11:37



    Sunriseur avancé

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Ouaah la classe merci ;)
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Posté 15 février 2013 - 12:57



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il a l'air Vraiment Pas malle du Tout, merci

Modifié par dada65, 15 février 2013 - 12:57.

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Posté 15 février 2013 - 13:45



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Modification toutes consoles sur Marseille.
Responsable technique d'une chaine de magasins de jeux vidéo sur la région PACA.

Pour tout renseignement ici

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Posté 15 février 2013 - 14:55



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Euh, elle est où la version signé pour 4.xx ??
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Posté 15 février 2013 - 15:26



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En fait ce n'est qu'un GUI au core de retroarch ...
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Posté 15 février 2013 - 15:37



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Ah nickel pour un petit peu de retro ! :)

Modification Xbox 360 et Wii sur Bordeaux, en plein centre ville.

Travail réalisé sous vos yeux, répond à toutes vos questions.

Xbox 360 : Flash tous lecteurs, Xkey, Glich, Réparations : mon annonce ici

Wii : Hack software : mon annonce ici

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Posté 15 février 2013 - 16:41




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+1 Mouchkipet

On installe quel pkg pour un rogero 4.30 2.05 ?

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Posté 15 février 2013 - 17:22



    ▪■▄█▓▒░ Pixélisé ▒▓█▄■▪▪

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sé supair merssi ! !
Vive le rétrogamingue !
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Posté 15 février 2013 - 17:33




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Merci pour cette News Artik !

Par contre même question que les autres , ou est la version signé 4.XX pour rogero 2.05 ?
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Posté 15 février 2013 - 18:18



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Pour Rogero faut installer la 3.40
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Posté 15 février 2013 - 18:42




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Comment trouver le code qui permet de compléter l'inscription à pleasuredome ?

Edit: ok, c'est bon !

Modifié par JohnCaffey, 15 février 2013 - 18:50.

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Posté 15 février 2013 - 19:37




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par contre il me dit que je ne peut pas dl se fichier. mais bon je peut en prendre d'autre comme roms megadrive etc
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Posté 15 février 2013 - 22:58




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Pas de Sega Model 2 ???? Dommage je suis fan de sega rally ! et pour Konami on peut faire fonctionner Asterix ????

Modifié par dr_no, 15 février 2013 - 23:12.

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Posté 16 février 2013 - 04:06



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bonsoir quelqu'un pourrait me dire comment on peut se procurer le code pour pouvoir trouver le fichier torrent a telecharger ?? merci d'avance !
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Posté 16 février 2013 - 11:04




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  • Lieu:Là où il y a la lumière, il y a aussi l'ombre....
il faut attendre l'approbation du site ensuite tu auras accés au torrent 6.33 Go à DL
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Posté 16 février 2013 - 11:22




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bonsoir quelqu'un pourrait me dire comment on peut se procurer le code pour pouvoir trouver le fichier torrent a telecharger ?? merci d'avance !Le code se trouve dans les infos quand tu lances ton client torrent.
Quand tu t'es inscrit, le site t'aqs indiqué qu'il y a un PDF à dl. Prend la version Française qui t'indique comment récupérer le code.

Modifié par JohnCaffey, 16 février 2013 - 11:36.

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Posté 16 février 2013 - 11:39




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personne peut upper le pack complet sur uptobox, moi j'ai des jeux qui ce lance pas? NEO GEO, systeme 16 ert quelques jeux dans CPS1 2.

Modifié par dave27, 16 février 2013 - 11:51.

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Posté 16 février 2013 - 11:39




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personne peut upper le pack complet sur uptobox, moi j'ai des jeux qui ce lance pas.
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Posté 16 février 2013 - 11:40




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désolé pour le double post
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