oct0xor précise tout de même que c'est ce qu'il a vu de mieux en sécurité PS3, même si il n'a mis que 3 jours à reproduire le code : Sony devrait en prendre note, ajoute-t-il. Super nouvelle !
First I am going to say that this is not going to be an article, just a first blog post and some info about my recent project.
Finally I got my hands on cobra it was quite a lot of time since I touched this last time. There was s good things happened since then eg. I reverse engineered usercheat and true blue, had done alot ps3 and not ps3 related hacking. There was a bad things eg. BlueDiskCFW, lv0 leak, alot of devs leave the scene…
Cobra was for me really “the last” thing I have to do.
The last time when I worked on this I didnt had a dongle, and all what I had was a dump by JaiCraB. I reverse engineered it as much as possible, figure out almost all tricks, encrypton and etc. And figuare out that it reads alot of data from dongle, and I cant do much without dongle itself. Thats why I put this project to the back burner.
Well… I had never buyed anyone dongle, and I never was not going to. All my dongles was donated ( thanks again ) but not that time.
it was hard for me to make this decision but a few days ago cobra finally shipped to me…
3 days and now its all over.
Security is good enough, but not without big security risks. But it still the best crypto/obfuscation what I had seen on ps3. Sony have something to learn from this guys, especially now.
Cobra / True Blue almost identical, have the same source code, if you ever hacked 1 thing, 2nd wouldnt be a problem. The main functionality, honestly, not changed since original jb. Thats a shame. Thats why I cracking them like nuts