Cette version doit être installée par-dessus une version de Multiman supérieure ou égale à 04.14.00.
Changelog :
- A show-off version so you can find out what speeds multiMAN is capable of
- Scanning for games is greatly improved and is 40-80% faster now
- Improved "Remote Acess" functions (support for Left/Right stick mouse controls in remote mmOS)
- Added support for new mmRAS 01.02.00
- Some other general improvements
**MAJ** : Une nouvelle version 04.16.03 est disponible.
Changelog :
- Improved overall speed of all functions and GUI
- Data Test/Verify functions now take fraction of the time compared to previous versions
- Improved 'Verifying data' of USB games by a factor of 50
- Improved scan before copying a game/folder
- Improved loading folders in mmOS
- Improved just a bit deleting games/folders
- Greatly improved loading content when browsing PS3 HDD/USB drives in game modes
- Loading Retro ROM/Video/Photo and ISO folders while browsing PS3 HDD/USB is now about 15 times faster
- Added "Friendly" name option in "Settings"/"Network Servers" for /net_host parties
- Fixed over-scrolling when browsing through large number of entries
- Increased max number of entries in game modes by 50% to 3072 (from 2048)
- The first time you load this version it will take 2-3 seconds longer, but next mM starts will show the GUI in a split second.