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Maj : version 2.0
- Rewrote the program using the new Gambas3
- Note: the AUR version uses Gambas3 v3.3.3, instead the versions in binaries and in the DEB use Gambas3 v3.1.1 to fit Gambas3 version present inside Ubuntu (and derivates) official repositories.
- Some graphic changes to the interface
Changelog v1.0:
A complete GUI for extract-xiso
Possibility to use all the main functions of extract-xiso, such as ISO extraction, optimization and creation.
Possibility to choose additional parameters for the procedure
Two languages available: English and Italian.
-On Archlinux use the package on AUR.
-On Debian based distros (ex. Ubuntu and derivates) use the DEB package.
-About all other distros:
Install the dependencies:
gambas2-gb-form, gambas2-gb-gtk, gambas2-gb-qt
Note: gambas2-gb-qt is optional, install it only if you need the QT support for KDE.
Download the package containing the binaries (bin)
Give the execution rights to the binary file:
chmod +x xipper.gambas
Run the binary file double-clicking on it or typing in a terminal: