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xeBuild GUI 2.7 : Support du kernel 15574 *MAJ*

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Posté 22 June 2012 - 17:18




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Le développeur Swizzy sort aujourd'hui une nouvelle version de son interface pour xeBuild baptisée tout simplement xeBuild GUI. Vous pourrez, avec ce soft, créer des images ECC, des nands hackées en kernel 15574 (ou autre si vous mettez les fichiers fsdata dans les répertoires correspondants) pour console jtag ou glitchée. Cette application possède maintenant deux modes, le simple et l'avancé :

Dans le mode avancé, vous pourrez tout paramétrer comme si vous utilisiez xeBuild et l'installateur de Dashlaunch. Dans le mode simple, les paramètres par défaut de ces applications seront utilisés.
xeBuild GUI dispose également de nombreuses autres fonctionnalités comme :

- la récupération directement depuis le Xell via le réseau (un fichier fuse.txt sera alors créé)
- l'intégration des patchs dashlaunch
- la possibilité d'utiliser un xell custom
- la possibilité d'utiliser le patch ôtant la nécessité du fichier FCRT.bin pour les Slims (sauf lecteur 1175)
- la possibilité de télécharger le systemupdate associé pour faire la mise à jour des avatars, etc.
- les opérations de Nandpro

Changelog :

- Fixed: Freezing with some rare images when the program is trying to check CB etc.
- Fixed: The application is now able to read files directly from optical units aswell (such as CD’s and DVD’s) NOTE: This may cause the program to freeze for a bit due to slow read speed…
- Fixed: The SMC Failsafe will now properly use the settings you select instead of just asking you…
- Added: Motherboard type « Jasper BB » this can be used if you are not sure if you have a 256MB or 512MB jasper, this is also autoselected if the app can’t decide wether you have 256 or 512mb jasper
- Updated: Now using xeBuild 1.03
- Updated: Now using Dashlaunch 3.02
- Changed: No longer including a Dashlaunch beta…
- Fixed: If you don’t have CF/CG in the per versions folder but instead in the commons folder the app will no longer complain about not finding it
- Added: Before building a new image the old verbose xeBuild log will be deleted to eliminate confusion
- Changed: New icons and a new logo for the app thanks to Aioros!
- Added: Support for the new options for xeBuild (disabling the eject button and/or disabling the center LED on the ROL from blinking)
- Changed: Re-designed the xeBuild Options tab, moved some stuff around to make more space for the new options
- Changed: Re-named « Cygnos UART » to « Set UART Speed for Cygnos »
- Changed: Moved the cygnos option from JTAG only to misc options since it’s compatible with both JTAG and Glitch (basically anything that isn’t retail)
- Added: Option for setting UART speed for TX Demon (Team Xecuter Demon) (NOTE: This does exactly the same thing as the cygnos option at this time)
- Fixed: If FUSE.txt already exist next to your dump the app will now ask if you want to overwrite it, if you say no it’ll simply stay where it was downloaded to, and you’ll be told where that is…
- Removed: Cleaned up src a little, removing unused shit that i was starting to work on but never got finnished untill i got the brilliant idea of re-writing the whole thing

** NOTE: This will be the last update for xeBuild GUI 2.xx series unless someone finds a critical bug somewhere… i’ll be working on xeBuild GUI 3.0 for a while following this release… hopefully it’ll be an awesome update! **

*MAJ* le 22/06/12 à 23H30 : Swizzy nous propose une nouvelle mise à jour en 2.071b :

Changelog :

- Fixed: Replaced xeBuild with proper one, must’ve hit wrong button when i was fixing up the release package, accidently used one of the beta’s :$

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Posté 22 June 2012 - 17:30



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Nickel !

Thanks Swizzy :)
Ma Chaîne YouTube.
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 17:38




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Merci Swizzy !!!!
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 18:00



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J'adore ce soft, très complet ;)
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 18:05



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Swizzy, je t'aime <3
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 18:11



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nice merci
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 18:58




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Question de noob: si je rentre mon nand d'origine, il va cocher automatiquement les options ? Par exemple, il va choisir automatiquement le bon "build type" ?

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Posté 22 June 2012 - 19:12



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déjà ? Merci !
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 19:29




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Merci pour la rapidité

Image IPB

Image IPB

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Posté 22 June 2012 - 19:51


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Noob question: if I return my original nand, it will automatically check the options? For example, it will automatically choose the correct "build type"?

it'll treat it as if it was the first time you are trying to hack it, for glitch this means it'll select ECC unless you download/load cpukey (manually typing it in won't change anything)
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 20:10




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Thanks Swizzy
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 20:25




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Merci Swizzy.
Donc, sur la clé usb, j'aurai à mettre l'image .ecc et xenon.elf pour que le flash se fasse ?
Quand je rentre la nand, il propose en effet l'image ECC et une fois que je mets la clé cpu, il passe sur freeboot (rgh1.x).
Du coup, je prends quoi ?
Désolé pour le "noobisme"...

Ce message a été modifié par colonelsmith - 22 June 2012 - 20:27.

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Posté 22 June 2012 - 20:30


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Swizzy thank you.
So, on the usb, I have to put the image. ecc and xenon.elf for the flash to be done?
When I get the nand, as it proposes ECC image and once I put the cpu key, it goes on freeboot (rgh1.x).
So, I take it?
Sorry for the "noobisme" ...

What you need to do is select RGH 1.x if that is what your console is hacked by, my recomendation is to use the current nand of your console, that should work, if not just let it identify for you and disable the semi-automatic selection to keep those settings...
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 20:36




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I entered nand and cpu key.
Once I click on "check SMC hack/motherboard, it selects ECC.
So I generate a hacked image and after put the ECC hacked image and xenon.elf from rawflash on the usb ?

Thanks again for help
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 20:37



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Merci nickel c est ma dna qui va être contente .
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 20:48




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    La mécanique.
Thanks Swizzy
toujours au top ;)
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 21:06



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Swizzy <3²

Hack de toutes vos consoles Xbox 360 et Wii sur Saint-Malo et sa région
Consoles Fat ou Slim - Flash, Hack JTAG, Reset Glitch Hack, pose Xkey

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Plus de détails et commentaires sur mon annonce

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Posté 22 June 2012 - 21:39




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merci Swizzy sa gere

:shadows: :shadows:

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Posté 22 June 2012 - 22:19




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Merci beaucoup ;) Par contre question bête, pour une glitch premiere generation, je choisi Freeboot RGH 1x ? Je trouve plus GGBoot
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Posté 22 June 2012 - 23:38


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Thank you very much ;)against the other silly question, a glitch for the first generation, I chose freeBOOT RGH 1x? I find it more GGBoot

Yes, first generation Glitch = RGH 1.x (1 = first version, x = 1 or 0, some have only 1.0 some have 1.1... they both work the same way tho ;))

RGH 2.0 is for the second generation glitching... Trinity works with etheir one...
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