Par exemple, Showtime vous permettra de profiter des fichiers vidéo de tout format natif, avec en prime le visionnage des fichiers MKV utilisés dans la lecture des vidéos HD 720p et 1080p, d'écouter de la musique ou de regarder avec nostalgie vos photos de vacances. Au niveau de la lecture des vidéos, le programme ne s'arrête pas seulement à votre clé USB ou à votre disque dur et va encore plus loin en proposant la lecture de vidéos sur serveur multimédia, sur des sites de jeux vidéo pour y regarder les bandes annonces ou encore sur l'éternel YouTube.
Vous l'aurez compris, cet utilitaire est vraiment très très complet. Cette mise à jour, non dénuées de nouveautés, apporte des corrections de bugs massives et implante de coquettes fonctionnalités.
Changelog :
Bug #416: DVD Playback Error (dvdnav Error or black screen)
Bug #442: Video Image compressed horizontally
Bug #507: Failed .iso playback
Bug #662: Showtime 3.1.203 not playing .MP4 Movies
Bug #744: V/A out of sync after pause for some time
Bug #759: Subtitle fails to load
Bug #870: SMB:// - access denied
Bug #885: Wrong subtitle
Bug #886: showtime won't play 4.0 audio tracks
Bug #888: Subtitles wont be detected if a point is used in the name
Bug #890: MP4 Container issue
Bug #893: Showtime UI going into image viewing mode when there is only 1 image in the directory
Bug #894: Image mode showing image file which is not found in the directory
Bug #901: Headweb plugin does not ask again for credentials if it fails to auth
Bug #914: Showtime won't play 3.0 audio tracks
Bug #918: Only 1 Set-Cookie headers inestead of all in httpPost (and possibly httpGet)
Bug #923: ass subtitles support bad unstable
Bug #927: video segment selection crashes FAT ps3
Bug #929: Showtime won't start playback if subtitle is empty
Bug #932: Update plugins page for showtime
Bug #948: Back from pause audio / video are desynch.
Bug #956: External subtitles not listed if subtitles in MKV (UPnP)
Bug #959: Video titles displayed wrong.
Bug #961: Continuous Playback Problem
Bug #963: Black screen with audio starts then crashes system with certain x264 .mkv
Bug #965: Error when getting http file
Bug #968: three subtitles bugs
Bug #974: Autoplay feature causes "cpu to slow" on the next one
Bug #975: fflockmgr() potential memory leakage
Feature #501: Consecutive reproduction of files
Feature #530: Enable continius play
Feature #640: MP4 codec support
Feature #657: "AppedItem" Cookies
Feature #753: VOB file continuous playback?
Feature #864: Autoplay next movie
Feature #867: HTML Codes, Characters and symbols convertion
Feature #875: Video playlists
Feature #921: DVD FOLDER
Feature #926: continuous playback
Feature #930: Return location property in httpGet/httpPost
Feature #931: Create link to the latest testing build in download page
Feature #941: Item View Background
Feature #946: Reveal headers in httpGet request without loading file
**MAJ** : version 3.6.1 (aucun changelog connu à cette heure)
**MAJ 2** : version 3.6.4
Changelog :
- Merge branch 'release/3.6'
- Clean up audio/subtitle streams after playback.
- Update Dutch translation
- Update lang/pt_PT.lang
- Update Dutch translation
- Merge pull request #72 from andreus-sebes/patch-1
- Update lang/pt_PT.lang
- Update lang/sp_SP.lang
- Merge pull request #71 from aldostools/patch-2
- Update lang/sp_SP.lang
- Empty commit for next development track
- thumbnails: Buffer should be no less than FF_MIN_BUFFER_SIZE bytes
- Update Polish translation
- Update Russian translation
- Update Dutch translation