Le développeur Rogero publie aujourd’hui une nouvelle version de son application destinée aux consoles Xbox. Baptisé 360 Multi Builder, ce soft est une évolution de Easy ggbuild et permet de créer des images GGbuild/Fbbuild/ECC/Retail.
Si aucune clé CPU n'est fournie, un fichier "image_00000000.ecc" sera créé et si elle est fournie, le soft vous créera une nand hackée pour Jtag ou RGH en kernel 14719 avec les patches pour DashLaunch et XeLL Reloaded.
Cette nouvelle version intègre de nombreux changements, principalement les nouveaux patches pour Xenon.
360_Multi_Builder_v0.921 on 13/03/2012
- Xenon ECC image is now built with 2 different Donor CBs automatically:
CB_1940 and CB_7375(user can test which Image works best for his Xenon)
360_Multi_Builder_v0.92 on 12/03/2012
- Added the option to choose between 3 Dash versions (13604/14699/14719)
MAJ V0.93
360_Multi_Builder_v0.93 on 15/03/2012
- Added a window installer package for easier and automated installation/removal.
- Updated the Menus to a better and easier to use versions.
- You can start using the program simply by running the Shorcut from the Desktop.
- You don't have to browse manually in order to add or remove any files anymore.
- The program will do additional checks for missing "nanddump.bin" and "cpukey.txt"
- The program will also open the required folder automatically when needed.
- The WinXP compatible ".exe" is included in the installer
-(for those who have the Antivir problem, you can delete it manually)