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PS3 4.0 HEN par KaKaRoTo : bientôt les homebrews sur 4.0 ?

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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:19



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Une grose nouvelle dans le monde de la PS3, puisque KaKaRoTo, qui fut l'un des premiers à publier un Custom Firmware 3.55, revient sur le devant de la scène avec des news concernant un CFW 4.00. Suite à une faille découverte avec le firmware 3.73, il s'est aperçu qu'elle était encore sur la version 4.00, et décide donc de s'y attaquer.


Ses avancées sont incroyables, et il publie donc un billet sur ses avancées actuelles. Pour le moment; rien de concret, car KaKaRoTo affirme être en conflit avec certaines personnes qui le soupçonnaient de ne pas avoir accès au lv0. On peut suivre l'avancée de son travail à cette adresse. Il faudra encore un peu de patience pour connaître les débouchés de son travail.


Tout commentaire négatif ou critique envers lui, son travail, ou ses choix résultera d'un ban de LS.


Here’s a “quickstatus update on the 4.00 HEN (Homebrew ENabler) for PS3.


Following my clarifications from almost 2 months ago here, there has been a lot of progress. We have not been slacking off, we’re a group of about 10 developers working together for the last 2 months, for sometimes 15 hours everyday in order to bring back homebrew support to the latest version of the PS3.


There are three major parts to the HEN, first, getting the packages to install on the PS3, that part is done, completed, tested, debugged, etc.. the second part is to get the apps to run, that one still has major issues… the last part is something I will not discuss for now (it’s a surprise) but it’s about 60% to 70% done (and it has nothing to do with peek&poke and has nothing to do with backup managers or anything like that. This is and will stay a piracy-free solution for the PS3).


Now, running apps is the biggest challenge that we’ve been working on for the past 2 months. As some of you know, if you’ve been following me on Twitter, we originally had hoped for Mathieulh to give us thenpdrm hash algorithm” that was necessary to run the apps, but he was reluctant, he kept doing his usual whore so people would kiss his feet (or something else) so he’d feel good about himself. But in the end, he said that he refuses to give us the needed “npdrm hash algorithm” to make it work… So what I initially thought would be “this will be released next week” ended up taking a lot more time than expected, and we’re still nowhere near ready to make it work.


Mathieulh kept tossing his usual “riddles” which he thinks are “very helpful for those who have a brain”, and which pisses off anyone who actually does… so he told us that the solution to all our problems was to look in appldr of the 3.56 firmware.. and that it was something lv1 was sending appldr which made the “hash check” verified or not… so we spent one month and a lot of sweat and after killing a few of our brain cells out of exhaustion, we finally concluded that it was all bullshit. After one month of reading assembly code and checking and double-checking our results, we finally were able to confirm that that hash algorithm was NOT in the 3.56 firmware like he told us (at all).


He said that it was an AES OMAC hash, but after tracking all the uses of the OMAC functions in appldr, we found that it was not used for the “hash”… he then said “oh, I meant HMAC“, so we do that again and again come up with the same conclusion, then we’re sure it’s not in appldr, and then he says “ah no, it’s in lv1“.. have a look for yourself to what he decided to write : eak%C2%B4


That happened after the huge twitter fight I had with him for being his usual arrogant ass and claiming that he “shared” something (For your information, the code that he shared was not his own, I have proof of that too (can’t show you the proof because even if I don’t respect him, I gave him my word to not share what he gave me, and I respect my word) since he forgot to remove the name of the original developer from one of the files… also it was completely useless and was not used at all, just made me waste a day reading the crappy undocumented code. So why is he still trying to force his “advice” through these riddles even after we had that fight? Well to sabotage us and make us lose all those months of hard work!


So anyways, we had all accepted that Mathieulh was full of shit (we knew before, but we gave him the benefit of the doubt) and decided to continue working without considering any of his useless riddles. So we then tried to exploit/decrypt the 3.60+ firmware in order to get the algorithm from there.


Now, a few more weeks later, we finally have succeeded in fully understanding that missing piece from thenpdrm hash algorithm”, and here it is for everyone’s pleasure with some prerequisite explanation :


A game on the PS3 is an executable file in a format called a “SELF“file (kind of like .exe on windows), those “self” files are cryptographically signed and encrypted.. For PSN games (games that do not run from a bluray disc), they need to have an additional security layer called “NPDRM”. So a “npdrm self” is basically an executable that is encrypted and signed, then re-encrypetd again with some additional information. On 3.55 and lower, we were able to encrypt and sign our own self files so they would look like original (made by sony) “npdrm self” files, and the PS3 would run them without problem. However, it wasn’t really like an original file.. a real NPDRM self file had some additional information that the PS3 simply ignored, it did not check for that information, so we could put anything in it, and it worked. Since the 3.60 version, the PS3 now also validates this additional information, so it can now differentiate between NPDRM self files created by sony and the ones that we create ourselves for homebrew. That’s thenpdrm hash algorithm” that we have been trying to figure out, because once we can duplicate that information in the proper manner, then the PS3 will again think that those files are authentic and will let us play them.


Another important point to explain, I said a few times that the files are “signed”.. this means that there is an “ECDSA signature” in the file which the PS3 can verify. The ECDSA signature is something that allows the PS3 to verify if the file has been modified or not.. it is easy to validate the signature, but impossible to create one without having access to the “private keys” (think of it like a real signature, you can see your dad’s signature and recognize it, but you can’t sign it exactly like him, and you can recognize if your brother tried to forge his signature). So how were we able to sign the self files that were properly authenticated on 3.55? That’s because this “ECDSA signature” is just a very complicated mathematical equation (my head still hurts trying to fully understand it, but I might blog about it in the future and try to explain it in simple terms if people are interested), and one very important part of this mathematical equation is that you need to use a random number to generate the signature, but Sony had failed and used the same number every time.. by doing that, it was easy to just find the private key (which allows us to forge perfectly the signature) by doing some mathematical equation on it. So to summarize, a “signed file” is a file which is digitally signed with an “ECDSA signature” that cannot be forged, unless you have the “private key” for it, which is impossible to obtain usually, but we were able to obtain it because Sony failed in implementing it properly.


Now, back on topic.. so what is this missing “npdrm hash algorithm” that we need? well it turns out that thenpdrm self” has a second signature, so it’s a “encrypted and signed self file” with an additional layer of security (the NPDRM layer) which re-encrypts it and re-signs it again. That second signature was not verified in 3.55 and is now verified since the 3.60 version of the PS3 firmware.


One important thing to note is that Sony did NOT make the same mistake with this signature, they always used a random number, so it it technically impossible to figure out the private key for it. To be more exact, this is the exact same case as the .pkg packages you install on the PS3, you need to patch the firmware (making it cfw) so that those .pkg files can be installed, and that’s because the .pkg files are signed with an ECDSA signature for which no one was able to get the private key. That’s why we call them “pseudo-retail packages” or “unsigned packages”.


The signature on the NPDRM self file uses the exact same ECDSA curve and the same key as the one used in PS3 .pkg files, so no one has (or could have) the private key for it. What this means is that, even though we finally figured out the missing piece and we now know how the NPDRM self is built, we simply cannot duplicate it.


The reason we wasted 2 months on this is because Mathieulh lied by saying that he can do it.. remember when the 4.0 was out and I said “I can confirm that my method still works” then he also confirmed that hisnpdrm hash algorithm” still works too? well he didn’t do anything to confirm, he just lied about it because there is no way that he could have verified it because he doesn’t have the private key.


I said I will provide proof of the lies that Mathieulh gave us, so here they are : he said it’s in 3.56, that was a lie, he said it’s an AES OMAC, that was a lie, he said it’s an HMAC, that was a lie, he said it’s in appldr, that was a lie, he said it’s in lv1, that was a lie, he said that he can do it, that was a lie, he said thatit takes one hour to figure it out if you have a brain”, that was a lie, he said that he verified it to work on 4.0, that was a lie, he said that he had the algorithm/keys, that was a lie, he said that once we know the algorithm used, we can reproduce it, that was a lie, he kept referring to it as “the hash”, that was wrong. The proof ? It’s an ECDSA signature, it’s not a hash (two very different terms for different things), it was verified by vsh.self, it was not in lv2, or lv1, or appldr, and the private key is unaccessible, so there is no way he could build his own npdrm self files. Now you know the real reason why he refused to “share” what he had.. it’s because he didn’t have it…


So why do all this? was it because his arrogance didn’t allow him to admit not knowing something? or was it because he wanted to make us lose all this time? To me, it looks like pure sabotage, it was misleading information to steer us away from the real part of the code that holds the solution…. That is of course, if we are kind enough to assume that he knew what/where it was in the first place. In the end, he wasn’t smart enough to only lie about things that we could not verify.. now we know (we always knew, but now we have proof to back it) that he’s a liar, and I do not think that anyone will believe his lies anymore.




Enough talking about liars and drama queens, back to the 4.0 HEN solution… so what next? well, we now know that we can’t sign the file, so we can’t run our apps on 3.60+ (it can work on 3.56 though). What we will do is look for a different way, a completely new exploit that would allow the files we install to actual run on the PS3. We will also be looking for possible “signature collisions” and for that we will need the help of the community, hopefully there is a collision (same random number used twice) which will allow us to calculate the private key, and if that happens, then we can move forward with a release.


When will the “jailbreak” be released? If I knew, I’d tell you, but I don’t know.. I would have said in last november, then december, then before christmas, then before new year, etc… but as you can see, it’s impossible to predict what we will find.. we might get lucky and have it ready in a couple of days, or we may not and it will not be ready for another couple of months.. so all you need to do is : BE PATIENT (and please stop asking me about an estimated release date)!


I would like to thank the team who helped on this task for all this time and who never got discouraged, and I’d like to thank an anonymous contributor who recently joined us and who was instrumental in figuring it all out. We all believe that freedom starts with knowledge, and that knowledge should be open and available to all, that is why we are sharing this information with the world. We got the confirmation (by finding the public key used and verifying the signatures) yesterday and since sharing this information will not help Sony in any way to block our efforts in a future release, we have decided to share it with you. We believe in transparency, we believe in openness, we believe in a free world, and we want you to be part of it.


If you want to know more about this ECDSA signature algorithm, read this interesting paper that explains it in detail, and you can also watch Team Fail0verflow’s that first explained Sony’s mistake in their implementation, which made custom firmwares possible.


Thanks for reading,



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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:21

Hyndrid QC

Hyndrid QC

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j'en connait qui vas etre ravi

bravo a KaKaRoTo pour sont courage devant sony et leur politique envers les hackers et bravo pour sont travaille
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:22



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Peu importe ce que certains diront, ce serait du bon boulot.
En parlant de boulot, préparez vous collègues modos... ;)
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:22

Oxi-Game 24

Oxi-Game 24

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Ah c'est une très bonne chose. Merci et bon dev
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:25



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Merci pour la news <3
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:27




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Message édité : Message non constructif ou hors sujet. Ici, t'es sur un forum privé, chose que tu es censé avoir lu en t'inscrivant sur LS. Merci de re-lire la charte, compte suspendu 24h
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:27




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Sur Ps3 gen la news a été traduite en FR
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:27




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Good news! Il ne semble plus très loin du but!

Mail: pour toute modification de console (Uniquement par correspondance)



PS3 : Jailbreak PS3 - Swap Disc - Consoles PS3 CFW

3DS : Sky3ds+ - Gateway - Custom Firmware - Downgrade - Debrickage
Wii -U: Flashage pour disque dur externe, Installation USB Loader GX 

Xbox One & PS4: Depannage - changement de lentille
Xbox360 Fat & Slim : Flash lecteurs, hack Reset Glitch, Installation ODE X360Key 

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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:28




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Un très grand pas pour la scene =)
Meme si ce n'est qu'un HEN, on a vu ce que ça a donné auparavant, surtout sur PSP.
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:29



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" Tout commentaire négatif ou critique envers lui, son travail, ou ses choix résultera d'un ban de LS. "

Elle est belle la liberté d'expression ;)

Si tu préfères, ça sera les attaques gratuites.
Les trolls comme d'habitude ou autre.

En même temps, quel est l’intérêt de venir sur une news qui ne nous intéresse pas ?!
Si t'aimes pas BMW et que tu aimes Audi, t'es dans le genre à rentrer chez BMW et crier des insultes juste pour utiliser ta liberté d'expression ?...
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:31



    Sunriseur avancé

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pour avoir deja lu son message je ne comprends pas pourquoi le titre de cette news est " bientôt les Homebrews sur 4.0", il le dit lui meme qu'il sait pas quand ca sera possible

Vends accessoires de jeux vidéos:
Linker DS, DSi et 3DS
Puce Glitch (Coolrunner, Matrix v1.1 et Matrix v2) et X360Dock
True Blue

Pose de puce Glitch dans le 49
Plus d'info : Contactez moi par MP

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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:31



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Je me doutais bien qu'ils mijotaient quelque chose car le twiter etait bien silenciex !

On attend donc mais de la a lire les backup ! Comme il dis, si il a de la chance 1 semaine sinon 1 an XD


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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:34




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Good news! Il ne semble plus très loin du but!

Tout est relatif...
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:36




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C'est le desert complet sur la scene PS3 , enfin une bonne nouvelle ! Il y a des conflit entre hacker, c'est surement pour ca que l'on a toujours pas un CFW 4.0. Je trouve meme l'equipe qui a concu le True Blue trop egoiste. Toujours pour de l'argent.... alors que des personne comme KaKaruto ou Dean ( createur de multiman entre autre) font ca bénévolement pour la communauté .Meme si ca fait une eternité que l'on attend un CFW 4.0 on pourra toujours remercier ceux qui ont travailler dessus sans se demander comment il pouvait faire de l'argent avec leur travail.... W and S
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:41



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Très bonne nouvelle :)

XBOX 360 SLIM Liteon DG16D4S-0225 4Go Kinect + 250Go non officiel/16602/ Manette Halo Reach Rapid Fire/Xkey 1.27 /Remote 1.1 + 2To/DVDmenu


Modification/flash et installation Xkey sur XBOX360 FAT ou SLIM
Jailbreak PS3 CFW 3.55
Modification WII
Contact MP
Dans le Val d'oise 95

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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:41



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Bonjour à tous,
Euh y a une erreur dans la news, ils arrivent à installer un homebrew mais pas a le lancer...
Ils cherchent une faille pour le lancement...

"Ce que nous allons faire c'est aborder le problème d'une manière différente, une faille indépendante qui nous permettra de lancer nos homebrews installés. Nous essaierons aussi de trouver un exploit au niveau de la signature ECDSA, d'ailleurs nous aurons besoin de l'aide de la communauté pour cela. Avec un peu de chance, SONY a encore raté son système de signature ECDSA, par exemple en générant deux nombres aléatoires identiques, ce qui nous amènerait à trouver les clés privées."

Et il n y a pas de date de release, il ne sait même pas lui même quand se sera opérationnel

"Quand est-ce que le "jailbreak" sortira ? Si je le savais je vous le dirais, cela peut être dans un semaine comme dans trois mois. Tout dépend de la chance que nous avons ou pas. La seule chose que vous pouvez faire pour l'instant c'est être patients (et arrêter de me harceler sur Twitter à propos d'une date de release)."

Et mathieulh en prend pour son grade, c est pas plus mal, surtout qu il nous balade depuis un moment...

Bravo à kakaroto et sa team... Bon courage...
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:44



    Sunriseur avancé

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exactement c'est ce que je disais plus haut ^^

Vends accessoires de jeux vidéos:
Linker DS, DSi et 3DS
Puce Glitch (Coolrunner, Matrix v1.1 et Matrix v2) et X360Dock
True Blue

Pose de puce Glitch dans le 49
Plus d'info : Contactez moi par MP

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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:44



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KaKaRoTo, he's over 9000 !!!
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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:45



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merci pour la news et a Markus pour la precison importante :)

je ne réponds pas aux MP  :thanks:  

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Posté 19 janvier 2012 - 19:45



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KaKaRoTo VS mathieulh a plus tendance a croire KaKaRoTo
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