A priori il ne s agit peut etre pas de eboot debug mais bel et bien de eboot signé par Sony mais unsigned par la team true blue (ils ont la clé ou une méthode) et resigné avec leur propre drm.
"FSELF IS SIMPLY A CONTAINER FORMAT AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DEV PSN. Just because the eboots on JB2 discs are FSELF files does not imply that the source eboots have come from DEV PSN. JB2 guys could have easily converted any ELF file into a FSELF to use on their discs. So PLEASE drop the crap about how this stuff must have come from DEV PSN. There is literally NOTHING at all to indicate that, and if you have properly understood my last post, you would realise that its much more likely that they have 3.6+ keys, decrypt SELF EBOOTS and re-package them as FSELF with their own crypto on top. This whole thing with debug eboots came about simply because somebody noticed that they were using FSELF. As I already explained, this actually does not imply that they are using actual DEBUG eboots. So you guys have simply been propagating misinformation."
Résumé : arrêtez de diffuser de la fausse information car les FSELF peuvent très bien être des SELF (exécutable signé par Sony) resigné par la DRM de la team true blue et il n'y a AUCUNE preuve que ce sont des eboot debug.