Souvenez-vous. Il y a quelques jours, la team Gitbrew avait annoncé qu'elle cessait ses projets. En plus d'avoir largement contribué à la scène PS3, c'était elle qui avait publié les documents sur le RSX suite aux dons ayant été faits. Et aujourd'hui, tout cela se concrétise enfin. En effet, c'est par le biais du site Gitbrew que nous apprenons que le fameux driver RSX vient d'être releasé ! Nous devons une fière chandelle à Durandal et Glevand qui ont travaillé sur ce projet depuis un long moment en sachant que Durandal a été malade. Une bonne nouvelle donc que nous apprenons aujourd'hui. Affaire à suivre pour son utilisation, etc...
Citation :
Well I am pleased to announce that RSX Driver for FreeBSD is released. The RSX driver is the product of hard work by durandal and glevand, who gave up many hours to accomplish this. So here you go, the link for the RSX driver: http://git.gitbrew.o...x/ps3rsx.tar.gz
On a side note, may I add that contrary to public belief for 5 YEARS, the RSX doesnt not rely on DMA to process graphics, but rather uses PPU instructions to push objects to RSX VRAM. So… yeah another breakthrough by the team who scammed everyone…. Gitbrew.
PS: To all those who started complaining about this noble effort to enable RSX on OtherOS(/++) , such as “gitbrew is a scam” or “they are just SDK samples”, check out the date of the file.
Gitbrew was always about developing things for developers AND users alike.
Sadly, users don’t always appreciate the effort, a simple omission to include the release URL, that was due to durandals medical condition and glevans personal issues, seems to be enough…
Well keep that in mind, Gitbrew gave their word to release a RSX driver and succeeded; anyone who had cared to browse glevands directory WITHIN 24 HOURS of the donations would have seen it.
Modifié par Adrayh, 06 septembre 2011 - 18:22.