Multiman est un utilitaire issu d'un savant mélange d'Open Manager, Simple AVCHD et File Manager. Vous pourrez donc lancer des backups, regarder des vidéos au format AVCHD ou autre et gérer vos fichiers et vos dossiers. Au menu, quelques améliorations avec les différents homebrews comme SNES9x ou Showtime. Dean, pour rappel, a lancé un appel aux dons : Voir News
Dans cette compilation il intègre le désormais célèbre émulateur SNES9X ainsi que SHOWTIME, un média player de type HTPC très complet.
Changelog :
* Fixed: Launching games with cached files right after they're cached
* Fixed: GAMEI folder won't appear on USB unless "Ext Game Data" option is used
* Fixed: Double entries in VIDEO column when thumbnail is named for example video.avi.jpg and not video.jpg
* Improved: Scrolling left/right in XMMB mode (faster and won't load columns)
* Improved: Scrolling up/down. Scroll will pause for ~1 second before looping.
* Added: Option "Hide BD-ROM disc from game list" in XMMB Settings
* Added: L2/R2 switch pages in 4x2 and 8x4 game list modes
* Added: "Save Screenshot" option in PS3 XMB Photo column to capture multiMAN screens in PNG (multiMAN Screenshots album) (10x to squarepusher2 for the hint)
* Improved: multiMAN will return from emulators and showtime much faster (~1-2 seconds boot screen)
* Improved: Last XMMB column and selection/entry restored upon restart/respawn
* Improved: JPG and PNG loading and decoding is performed faster (via SPU with fallback to PPU when header-decoding fails)
* Added: "Retro" column for emulators (WIP)
* Added: "Genre" option in "Game Settings" submenu to select categories for albums/grouping
* (WIP) Added: Support for latest SNES9x port for PS3
* (WIP) Added: Support for SNES9x ROMS: SMC/smc, FIG/fig, SFC/sfc, GD3/gd3, GD7/gd7, DX2/dx2, BSX/bsx, SWC/swc, JMA/jma
* (WIP) Added: New options in options.ini:
* Added: Support for playing music/playlists from PS3 XMB Music column (thanks to squarepusher2)
* Improved: TVs with 480p/576p resolution will show XMMB and slide-coverflow modes a bit better