Dean des forums PSX-Scene met de nouveau à jour Multiman qui passe en version 02.00.01. Pour rappel, cet utilitaire est issu d'un savant mélange d'Open Manager, Simple AVCHD et File Manager. Vous pourrez donc lancer des backups, regarder des vidéos au format AVCHD ou autre et gérer vos fichiers et vos dossiers. Au menu, quelques améliorations au niveau du nouveau mode d'affichage "XMB". Dean, pour rappel, a lancé un appel aux dons : Voir News
Pour rappel, il est possible de mettre à jour multiman directement via la console en appuyant sur la touche R3 de votre manette un fois le manager lancé.
Voici un apercu du nouveau thème d'affichage (merci à Tesla) :
Changelog :
* Game poster/background loads/shows 2x faster now
* Game poster is crisp and unaltered
* All texts in XMMB are smooth and easy to read with bright backgrounds
* All texts got small shadow to improve visibility
* Favorites column shows game icons
* Fave star applied to game icons in Favorites column
* Clock and column title more visible and better looking
* Cover overlay image (GLC.PNG) applied to cover in XMMB mode, too
* Added image background for theme selection (10x to condor) (pop up can be moved with analogue sticks)
* Fixed: time/date format changes immediately (not after 30 seconds)
* Fixed 'favorites' column (showing stuff when no faves selected)
* Added option in SETTINGS column to disable "Theme Audio"
*Title Details" option in SETTINGS column to change 4x2, 8x4, cover flow and Box-art modes (title/+id/+title count/none) * Fixed Mouse X/Y deadzone setting
* Fixed PHOTO column populates properly from USB storage (/PICTURE folder)
* Changed: "Verifying USB Games" option: [Always/Auto/Never]
* Added new function in SETTINGS column "Clean Game Cache"
* Added selection list menu to clear Game Data for specific Game
* Favorites selection remembered when going out of game-settings submenu
* Added support for SDHC/MemoryStick/CompactFlash storage for MUSIC/PHOTO/VIDEO columns in XMMB mode
* Added: SDHC, CF and MS icons in PHOTO/VIDEO/MUSIC XMMB mode
* Added: multiple strategies for mounting titles using all available methods