Voici aujourd'hui une solution apparue de nul part, sert à contourner la sécurité des serveurs de jeux SONY.
Il s'agit d'un contournement d'authentification au niveau du serveur RETAIL.
En effet l'authentification se fais désormais Sur le serveur SP-INT et le jeux sur le serveur NP (RETAIL), ceci grâce à l'outil Server Mapper v1.1 à Condition de connaitre l'adresse des serveurs.
Voir le Post Original !
For people who installed Rebug CFW, a PC tool called Server Mapper allows you to connect to normal games servers.
Server Mapper v1.11 beta is a custom server mapper designed to enable online play through SP-INT servers.
It remaps your server connection of online enabled games to retail servers. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS THE SERVER ADDRESS

Quote Originally Posted by PERSON WHO MADE THIS SH*T
Here's an example of Modern Warfare 2 server setup:
SP-INT Servers = mw2-ps3-lsg.dev.mmp3.demonware.net
Original Servers = mw2-ps3-lsg.live.mmp3.demonware.net
then mw2-ps3-lsg.dev.mmp3.demonware.net resolved to mw2-ps3-lsg.live.mmp3.demonware.net
How-to-use Server Mapper v1.11 beta:
1: Install Rebug 3.55 CFW.
2: Set the Original PSN to Dev PSN. Go to Debug Settings --> NP Environment --> Change to "sp-int"
3: Run Cex Dex Rebug selector which can be found under Package Manager in the PS3 HDD. Set it to REBUG MODE and you are then spoofed.
4: Make a NEW account on PSN. You can set everything random, but the PSN ID must be the same as the account of the Original PSN or COD will not load your stats.
5: Set your PS3 Internet Connections Settings as Primary DNS the LOCAL IP of your PC (192.168.XXX.XXX) and as Secondary your modem IP OR "".
6: Start the tool and make sure that it shows the right LOCAL IP (192.168.XXX.XX), then press OK.
Now you are done and ready to play.
Q: Does it's UNBAN my PS3 from Black Ops?
A: NO!!!
Q: Can i use it on 3.60 OFW?
A: No you cant plus it's useless becouse that it's only for 3.55 REBUG CFW.
Q: I still get the Server error...
A: Make sure the account that you created have not the some id of someone banned on original PSN
You need .Net Framework 3.5 at least.
Here is a list of some Address for Normal Servers. If there is any missing, let us know and we will add them onto the list.
Call of duty: World at War (Confirmed Working!)
cod5-ps3-dev.lsg.mmp3.demonware.net -----> cod5-ps3-live.lsg.mmp3.demonware.net
cod5-ps3-dev.lsg.mmp3.demonware.net -----> cod5-ps3.auth.mmp3.demonware.net
PES 2011 (Confirmed Working!)
native.sp-int.ac.playstation.net -----> native.np-int.ac.playstation.net
getprof.it.sp-int.community.playstation.net ----> getprof.it.np-int.community.playstation.net
auth.sp-int.ac.playstation.net ----> auth.np-int.ac.playstation.net
Killzone 2
killzoneps3.online.scee.com -----> Np Adress needed
Skate 3 (Confirmed Working!)
downloads.skate.test.online.ea.com -----> downloads.skate.online.ea.com
gosredirector.stest.ea.com -----> gosredirector.ea.com
Medal of Honour (Confirmed Working!)
gosredirector.stest.ea.com -----> gosredirector.ea.com
James Bond 007: Blood Stone (Confirmed Working!)
jb09-ps3-dev.lobby.v200.demonware.net -----> jb09-ps3-live.lobby.v200.demonware.net
Assassin's Creed:Brotherhood
mdc-uat-rdv06.ubisoft.com -----> Np Adress needed
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
nfshptest01.alaska.ea.com -----> Np Adress needed
The Orange Box
hl2-ps3.fesl.ea.com -----> Np Adress needed
ps3fifa09.ea.com -----> Np Adress needed
Motorstorm Apocalypse
No Dev Server Adress Yet -----> GameHost.motorstorm3ps3.online.scee.com
Motorstorm 2 Pacific Rift
No Dev Server Adress Yet -----> motorstorm2ps3.online.scee.com
DIRT 2 (Confirmed Working!)
dirt2ps3dev1.quazal.net -----> dirt2ps3live.quazal.net
Note: Sony can see your activity and possibly ban you or take down these servers so do not abuse them.
Téléchargement : ici
Source : PSGroove
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Ce message a été modifié par The Light - 12 April 2011 - 00:37.