Voici avec un peu de retard deux outils pour Cygnos développés par Cory1492, le premier vous permettra de récupérer les infos de l'uart sans interface et ni lag depuis l'USB. Le second permet le patcher les données de manière brut. Vous pourrez ainsi développer facilement des patchs, reflasher uniquement le XeLL sans avoir a reflasher une NAND entière etc ...
Ces programmes sont livrés avec les sources si vous souhaitez les mettre à jours et ils ont été testés sur des cygnos V2 sous Windows 7 64 bits.
Voici le message de l'auteur pour nos lecteurs étranger :
I've had unfinished versions of this stuff sitting on my hdd for a while now, decided to finish debugging today and figured maybe someone else would be looking for similar things. To play around with the source you are going to need the driver kit for windows and a way to build such as visual studio 2008 (VS also needs to be told where the ddk is) - there is a good libusb based implementation of the winusb accessors that does work fine for this (under msys and similar) without using the DDK, but the libusb driver conflicts directly with the normal toolbox driver so I chose to use the DDK/winusb and default cygnos drivers to avoid having to do driver switching, especially with unsigned drivers.
The two basic things I wanted out of this was a way to catch uart without any GUI/polling lag, and a way to patch data at raw (no spare included) offsets, fixing only the ecc data - those two apps are included along with a basic template that I used to initially test things like full NAND reading/writing/etc.
Do note, for the most part these tools aren't bad block friendly like the toolbox app, similar to NandPro there are no real integrity checks (unless you code some), and I've had no opportunity to test on V1 cygnos. The binaries were built and tested on win7 x64, my apologies if you need to recompile to get them to work on other versions of windows.