La Team FSD continue ses updates plus rapprochés et nous livre ce soir la Release Candidate 1.7 de leur dashboard alternatif baptisé FreeStyle Dash . Si vous avez déjà installé la release de la semaine précedente vous pouvez effectuer la mise à jours via l'auto updater. Sinon lisez ce qui suit :
1) Si vous avez une précédente version de FSD installée faites un backup et supprimer là (IMPORTANT).
Ne pas lancer ceci depuis un CD/DVD puisque il requiert un accès d'écriture aux jeux.
2) Décompressez et mettez le contenu sur votre XBOX 360 MU / HDD / USB.
3) Lancer le default.xex en utilisant votre méthode préférée. (Dashlaunch, XeXmenu, Etc)
a) Ajouter le chemin d'accès aux jeux(avec manage path) dans les paramètres (setting menu), et lisez la note attentivement avant de vous plaindre.
*** NOTE ***
Au premier scan, laisser le s'effectuer complétement le scan/download content, ne pas l'interrompre, rebooter la console ou trop jouer avec FSD.
Si une erreur apparait il est préférable de tout effacer et de recommencer depuis le début.Tous les scans seront par la suite stables et rapides.
Vous pouvez presser R3 (clique avec le stick droit) pour voir ce qui se passe dans la barre des status
Il y a un server FTP et un webserver inclus dans FSD 2.0-Beta, utiliser xbox comme user et password pour le FTP.
Le web serveur sera http://votre ip
Il ne s'agit toujours pas d'une version finale, des bugs peuvent exister si vous en rencontrer et êtes capable de les reproduire merci de visiter les forums de la Team( et de les décrire ainsi que de fournir le crash log.
Changelog :
Freestyle Dash rc1.7 (xex R2151, skin R2151) changelog
(Added) HTTP Download Resuming for interrupted Asset Downloads
(Added) System Extended Partition to the Mount List
(Added) Content Extraction Resuming for interrupted Asset Extraction
(Fixed) Issue where extracted xbox 360 games without nxeart would still have icon downloaded despite settings
(Added) ContentHash to ContentItem to make each content item completely unique each scan
(Added) HTTP Queue to database to support http resuming in all modules
(Updated)Added new setting for weather
(Added) Ability to disable auto scanning
(Added) Toggle Setting for HTTP Download Resuming
(Added) Setting for WeatherLocationName to the database
(Added) Weather
(Added) Weather Location Search
(Added) Clear Skin Data Button
(Fixed) Double focus issue in icon game list
(Updated) Kinect Icon Gradient
(Updated) Weather to support Imperial and Metric Units
(Updated) Kinect icons to closer match retail
(Added) Weather unit setting to DB
(Added) XML Error check to weather. If a key returns invalid it will attempt to get the info with another key.
(Updated) Changed all Weather icons to dds for loading speed increase.
(Updated) Kinect tab background
(Updated) File Manager re-done. Can do actions either way or in either window.
(Fixed) Copying folders in new File Manager.
(Fixed) Root at top when of file strucutre
(Fixed) Hide LB and RB Buttons when processing copy.
(Fixed) folder copy on move.
(Fixed) Focus Bug in Canvas Config Scene
(Fixed) Focus Loss Bug in Change Log View- made all buttons exit scene.
(Fixed) Prior text in Content Settings (fine tuned)
(Added) Weather Icon Set
(Updated) Added Weather Icon to PSD
(Fixed) Deleting package in root deletes Whole Hard Drive.
- Now lists path and says will delete it all.
- Containers only delete file not folders.
(added) Arrows for file manager
(Added) quite a bit more to the samba support (requesting and storing credentials) [It's almost done now]
(Added) scenes for getting samba credentials
(Fixed) FileBrowser was showing Samba passwords in path
(Deleted) Skin folder
(Added) New Skin
(Updated) Basic files
(Added) Main Scene scene
(Updated) PSD Files
(Updated) Skin
(Updated) Fonts to Xui reduced format
(Updated) Top/Bottom Bar Mock Up
(Added) ability to override stored samba credentials (hold the back button while selecting a samba folder that has stored credentials)
(Fixed) progress dialog in filemanager showing stored passwords as part of the path
(Fixed) message box asking if you really want to delete a file showing stored passwords as part of the path
(Added) Ability to turn on/off samba client in general settings scene
(Added) code to support turning on/off samba client. Samba client is now officially part of the dash. Remember, clicking smb: the first time each session will take some time as your network is scanned for shares.
(Fixed) Make samba credentials scene skin-able (don't hardcode skin name)
(Added) ability to set the samba workgroup to the general settings scene
(Added) ability to specify samba workgroup
(Added) Multi Font support
(Updated) Main
(Fixed) Crash on copy from or to root. Cant do it now.
(Fixed) Con Launching.
(Updated) SMB Credentials Scn
(Updated) DualPane Scn
(Added) Multi Font support for skins
(Fixed) wstring issue in credentials
(Fixed) Focus bug in Credentials Scn
(Fixed) Wrong Setting shown when content settings is first opened
(Added) Check for root for makedir, delete and rename
(Added) New Date format
(Added) New HDD Labels
(Added) Percentage Label for HDD
(Updated) Top Status bar almost complete
(Fixed) Credentials scn values not set on init
(fixed) Notify on rename
(fixed) Notify wording for copy and move
(fixed) Transfer in titleupdate manager says transferring
(fixed) end samba workgroup to enter samba workgroup
(Fixed) In ftp CWD \ could crash FSD
(Changed) File Manager always resets both source and destination to the root
(Added) Animated clock
(Updated) Status bar with version 2 for new skin handling
Vous trouverez un tutoriel pour une première installation ICI